Dream stories

Sometimes I start waking up while still dreaming. I lie in bed finishing the dream while half awake. I found this morning’s dream amazing enough to decide to share it with you.

A boy was given a homeschooling assignment to use three inactive verbs–was, is, are–in sentences. Here’s what he wrote:

The cupcakes

Mother was in the kitchen.

Steve is in the kitchen.

The cupcakes are not on the counter.

I want to write more about the dream but the dream itself seems to be saying that’s enough.



3 thoughts on “Dream stories”

  1. I cannot remember the last time I remembered a dream. You sure do remember yours with clarity.

  2. I find I dream a little about what’s going on in my life. Most times it’s confusing. So, does that mean you’re going back to school? Or, does it mean you made cupcakes and are still remembering how wonderful they taste?

  3. LOL! this made me smile. definitely a ‘sweet’ dream!
    i used to think i never dreamed because i never seemed aware of them.
    but we all dream.
    i seldom remember them though.

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