Novel Writing: Mary Margaret

Here’s another one of those novel starters that appeared in my head one day:


When Ma called me Mary Margaret in that special tone of voice I always felt like she’d grabbed a fistful of my shirt and pulled me up in her face so my toes just barely touched the ground. Now you gotta understand, Ma didn’t have to lay a hand on me and, even if she had, since I was twelve I’ve been nearly six feet tall and Ma’s barely five feet so she couldn’t have lifted me up on my toes. But when she used that special tone of voice…

So now Joey’s using that tone of voice and I react as if he were Ma. First I flinch. Then I start babbling explanations. Then I realize it’s hopeless. So I just sorta dangle there waitin’ to see what he’s gonna say or do next.


Anyone out there have any idea what Joey was going to do next? If so, I’d sure appreciate you sharing it with me.



ps. Moving date one week from today. Full and empty boxes are having a convention in our living room.

4 thoughts on “Novel Writing: Mary Margaret”

  1. well…
    first I thought she’s a girl dangling there… then you said ” since I was twelve I’ve been nearly six feet tall”
    so I switched gears and figured it’s a boy! LOLOL!
    but then …
    it might even be more interesting if it’s a girl. I can see all kinds of problems and predicaments!

  2. There would be. I way I would tell you anything about Joey. It isn’t because I don’t want to, it is because I am absolutely the worst writer in the world. Lol.

  3. actually this could be a humorous story or it could be an extremely poignant and a little bit frightening story.
    joey is apparently not treating mary margaret very well… so I would say the latter applies.
    it just crossed my mind how this kind of writing … or ‘starting to write’ makes me think of a beautiful movie.
    remember ‘out of africa’ ?
    they gave her a snippet of scenario … like this one… and she turned it into an oral book!
    wonderful stuff!

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