Misc. Notes

Here’s some bits and pieces that didn’t get included before.

We pulled up to a diesel pump and it said “low-sulphur” instead of “ultra-low sulphur” with a warning it was not to be used in vehicles built since 2007. So we went across the road to a different gas station while wondering if we’d ever put the wrong diesel in our tank.

Another funny street name: Sore Finger Road. I wonder how sore your finger has to be to get a road named after it?

Business name on a truck: Church Chair Industries. Do church’s really buy enough chairs to support them?

Billboard on truck: ad for Carl’s Jr with a picture of a burger and the slogan “It’s rude to stare.”

Warning sign on truck: “Long vehicle” with a picture of a dachshund.

Sign on a church: “Where will you be seated in Eternity–smoking or non-smoking?”

You’ve probably all been to a mall food court but have you ever been to a parking lot food court? We parked between Panda Express and McDonald’s and met back at the rig with our food.

Gated communities can take a long time to enter. We were almost late to the GNC operating session because of the time it took to get our pass. And that guard already knew we were coming.

The BLM Yuma Field Office has color coded maps of public lands in their filing cabinets. If you ask, they will give them to you. They gave us one for Arizona and one for the U.S. They also gave us a handout providing information on popular Yuma area places to camp including directions to them. We stayed in a free area across a pond from a members only park.  (For the Lavins:  read as Yuma Lakes)

On AZ Highway 85 just south of Gila Ben there is an aircraft gunnery range.  They have viewing areas with interpretive signs.  I was surprised to come across a border guard checkpoint near there.  I sure wouldn’t want to be trying to sneak through a place where airplanes practice shooting things on the ground.

We’ve discovered we can use our generator to charge my Segway.  I needed to do that to be able to get around the Yuma Quartermaster’s Depot.  We are doing it again right now in preparation for exploring Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument.  More about that place some other time.



One thought on “Misc. Notes”

  1. Actually Church Chair Industries does make a great chair. I used them years ago when I was a pastor and they are really designed for long-sitting. 🙂

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