New Blog Features

You may have already noticed that Dave put a map on my blog so you can now see at a glance where we camped most recently. He updates this every time we move. I do nothing with it. If it is wrong, I plead not guilty.

You haven’t yet had time to notice the newest feature since it just went up this evening. Way down in the right corner of the page you will find an entry called Other Stuff and under that one called Public Park Camping. This is an experiment. I gather lots of data to help us decide where to go. Our daughter thinks I should be selling my complilations. I don’t want to turn my retirement into work. But making spreadsheets is fun. So here’s a couple pieces of my spreadsheets for you to play with to see if you think they’re fun, too. Or if they’re at least helpful.



One thought on “New Blog Features”

  1. There are lots of choices for downloading the files. None of the files I chose allowed me to see your Public Park spreadsheets. Do you have a shortcut? Wentzi

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