Intriguing concept, isn’t it? How can one waterfall go one way then the other? When I first heard there was one of these in Maine, I quickly put it on my list of things I had to see for myself. Once we were actually in the right neighborhood I learned there are lots of reversing waterfalls. They are also called tidal falls. Here’s how it works.
At low tide a river runs under the bridge from right to left towards towards the ocean and down a set of rocks which makes a waterfall.
At high tide the ocean runs the other way, up river, under the same bridge, over the same set of rocks, making a waterfall that goes the other way.
So which way does the water fall?
Down, of course.
Standing on a line directly on the equator gives similar effects. On one side of the line the water will flow clockwise and the other side counter clockwise. It’s eerie but interesting to watch.