According to a handout from the site, “Established 1793, Lowell’s Boat Shop is the oldest continuously operating boat shop in America and is cited as the birthplace of the legendary fishing dory.”
The dory’s bottom is very narrow.
It’s sides are high and made from wide planks.
It is an economical boat to produce. It was even more so back before OSHA when painters, paid by the boat, turned them hull up and poured buckets of paint over them.
When the runoff paint dried on the floor, the floor became very uneven.
Fisherman used long lines with many drops with a hook on each drop. Look closely and you can see the line running in front of this sign with drops just to the left of the A and the right of the W and &. You could store a lot of that line in the half barrel looking thing in the boat.
The construction of the boat meant it actually became more stable as you hauled in more fish–good for foul weather trips home.
And foul weather we’ve had so that was important to the fishermen.
Definitely foul weather – raining again. Time to get out of here.