It’s morning!

I function best if I sleep nine hours a night. But I am a night owl. So, if I stay up until two o’clock like I did this morning that means I will have my best day if I sleep until eleven o’clock. But…

A day or two ago Dave asked a neighbor about the process of getting propane here. Do they deliver to motorhomes or do we need to drive somewhere? I had seen a propane truck driving through the park but Dave doubted we could just flag him down. But, Paul said yes we could. We could also call to schedule a delivery but there’s an extra charge for that. Well, Paul must have told the driver we inquired because about nine-thirty this morning: boom, boom, boom. The propane guy was at our door wanting to know if we wanted some. So Dave bought propane and I went back to sleep.

Less than an hour later I was awakened by people talking right outside my bedroom window. Then our front door slammed again. So, I got up and inquired. There are people out there surveying the lot lines.

So, I surrendered. I am up. But I am not awake.



ps. Just as I was posting that the Schwan’s truck driver stopped to see if we wanted anything even though we hadn’t ordered for today’s delivery. No one understands us night owls need to sleep in. But, we now have steaks and wild Alaskan salmon filets in our freezer so at least there’s some payoff for not being allowed to finish sleeping this morning.

4 thoughts on “It’s morning!”

  1. Totally can relate…we use to be early risers…not any more! We love sleeping in the morning until 9, maybe even 10am. Especially when we are on the east coast due to the constant time changes we encounter makes it difficult when others think 8am is late in the day!

  2. Well, you certainly know that I feel at 11:00 the day is half over. It’s probably close to my nap time. However, right now 11:00 for you is about 9:00 for me so that’s not so bad.

  3. I sometimes wonder if posting a sign would work – third shift worker, do not disturb before 11am! Although your hours are technically closer to second shift, I think people might understand third shift better. IMO, it shouldn’t matter if your shift work is paid or not, although for some reason people only respect paid workers.

    I remember working the night shift and going out for drinks after work – at 8am! People were appalled, but when I explained I run 8 hours ahead of them, they seemed to understand a little better. Perspectives are funny things, and too few people seem to understand perspectives other than their own.

  4. I stay up late but can’t sleep past 7. Also, Paul wants to get going in the morning and says if I am tired I can take a nap…so off we go usually by 9.

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