New Apartment

This is where we will be moving sometime between now and early November depending on when the current residents’ house is finished being built.

The angled wall of our apartment is where the building takes a turn. It is a common wall with our neighbor but since it is in the daytime use part of the apartment we are not concerned about neighbor noise. The master bedroom wall is also a common wall but on the other side of it is a storeroom used only by the building management so we don’t anticipate noise problems there either. And the apartment we have leased is on the third floor which is the top floor of the building so we will have no little feet running about over head. We think we’ve found the best location possible in any apartment building.

Yes, the apartment is close to the freeway. So are many RV parks. And so was our house before we went fulltiming. For us, freeway traffic is an effective white noise machine. But there aren’t any train tracks next door and the closest one of those has only one weekday local train so no more train whistles waking us up in the middle of the night.

And it’s about a half mile down the street from the house we sold when we went fulltiming so we already know how much we like the neighborhood.

One of the things we like about the neighborhood is French Park. This large facility mows pathways through the grasses for summer walking and winter skiing. It’s a great place to feel like you are in the country while still being within walking distance from home in the city.

Plus we’ve already started transferring our prescriptions back to Target. And they still had us in their files. Of course we will need to update the address and phone number but it was so nice to not have any hassles about filing the insurance on our medicines.

I think we are going to like moving back home. Except for winter, of course.




5 thoughts on “New Apartment”

  1. Looks like you have everything worked out. Glad you’re happy and glad it’s going to be an easy transition. You’re right in there’s no sense in talking about road noise. When you were in your RV you probably had road noise plus train noise. This will probably be so quiet that it’ll take a bit to get used to it.

  2. WOW…you two have been doing some work. Glad all is working out for you. I really like the idea of knowing you neighbors already. Hope there is an elevator…or maybe not. Great exercise.

  3. Looks like a great location. I lived near the freeway in Washington DC and it sure didn’t bother me. But I think you’ll miss the train noise. You’ll stay awake anticipating it. lol I can hardly wait to see pictures of the inside. Just don’t go freezing on us.

  4. Hey Linda,

    Somehow this was the first I heard you’re settling down again. I may have missed talk of it from before perhaps. Well congratulations! I think it was the Grateful Dead who said there’s a time for a traveling and a time for settling down, and you never know when it’s going to happen either way. 🙂

    I can give you a giant hurrah about the no-traintracks. I’d rather take freeway noise than traintracks. Our last house we rented was large and very inexpensive to stay in, but the trains would come through in the middle of the night with their horns. I never could get used to it. 🙂

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