Lump in the throat, Part 4

The ENT found the lump. That’s actually good news. It’s soft and does not have definite edges which cancerous lumps do. It’s most likely a lipoma. That’s just a lump of fat. We both have family members who get those in their arms. But the doctor says you can get them anywhere in your body and Dave’s body appears to have chosen his neck. They did a cat scan with contrast to be sure that’s all it is but the doctor is very sure. We’ll get the confirmation next week.

As to the hoarseness Dave is experiencing the doctor explained that the vocal chords are muscle. When men retire they stop talking as much. A muscle that doesn’t get much exercise tends to get weaker. Dave has never been much of a talker. He was offered the option of going to a speech therapist who could help him strengthen his voice if he’d like to do so but he decided that is not worth doing.

And the ear popping is a pressure issue. You know–like what happens in an air plane. His is because his left eustachian tube is more wide open than most. So just talking a lot can cause his ears to pop. All that wind, you know.



9 thoughts on “Lump in the throat, Part 4”

  1. By the way, I have lipomas elsewhere, as well – on my legs and torso. Not nearly as many as our mom and grandpa, but I can tell they are there. Glad to hear that’s all it was in your neck. Come to Thanksgiving dinner and talk to all of us!

  2. YES!! Great news!! Love those kinds of answers. I probably have lots of those lumps but can’t find them because of all the other fat. But both our girls have them. Not sure that’s any consolation for Dave though. lol With you gone for the winter Dave will probably talk even less than he did so you’re going to have to call him a lot and get him to talk to you on the phone.

  3. Great news indeed. Once you get on the road, Dave can have the apartment to himself and can go around all day talking to himself to strengthen the voice lol!!!

  4. Yes ! I agree that is good news.
    How do they treat with Lipoma when it’s in the throat?

    How is your RV conversion going?

    Jeff Hop

  5. hi Linda, followed you over from FTA to congratulate you on lifestyle changes…
    Then I read about Dave’s lump – was a fine needle aspirate or any other “invasive” test done to confirm that it is only fatty tissue? I can’t tell you how many stories I have heard from my fellow thyroid cancer survivors about innocuous “lumps” which were actually tumors being ignored…
    Forgive me for being blunt; I’m not trying to alarm you but it’s just the dr-in-me coming out 😉
    Best wishes, Val

  6. Oh, I am pleased for you! A great early Christmas present. Now you can breathe again 🙂

    I’m afraid I’ll never get hoarseness in my throat – too voluble 🙂
    When I used to teach, I would be hoarse at the end of the day – from talking too much!

    Best wishes and am again, so truly pleased for you both.

  7. I really had to chuckle about your comment of all the wind flying around when Dave talks. 🙂

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