Addressing the British nobility

Do you all get weird thoughts in the shower the way I do?

Today I was wondering why a Duchess is addresses as “Your Grace” while lower ranks are addressed as “My Lady”?

In the US “my” implies ownership while “your” implies the opposite.

Does a ladies maid to a Baroness feel more ownership than a ladies maid to a Duchess?

Surely not.

Royal ladies are addresses as “Your Highness”. Duchess is the next lowest rank. Does that have something to do with it?

Google would not tell me.



3 thoughts on “Addressing the British nobility”

  1. it has more to do with traditional “English” and it’s ridiculous way of accrediting various “words” for reasons that seem “out of character” with common usage IMHO

  2. I do like royalty for some reason. I’ve never quite figured that out. because I abhor the class system.
    I think it’s because I like tradition. and lovely manners. and neat houses!
    what they were titled in calling each other or their various ranks has never crossed my mind before.
    I can still hear Maggie Smith on Downton Abbey proclaiming… “WEEKEND? what’s a weekend?” LOL!

  3. I can’t see your reply on actual post – but boot and bonnet may well be just parts of our cars, but they are also items of clothing. And “boot” can go a step further when you might say “We wanted them to go, so we booted them out”…

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