This is where we live.
In the center is the flag pole.
To the left, past those parked cars in the east entrance to our underground parking. Our assigned parking space is the second one in from that door.
To the right of the flag pole is main doors with a drop off area under the extended roof. We never have to actually be out in the weather whether we are driving or someone is picking us up.
To the right of that is the offices on the main floor and the main dining room and the pub on the second floor.
Left of the flag pole is the cafe on the main floor and the library on the second floor.
Far left of that, on the top floor, those four windows are in our living room with our balcony left of them.
The tower to the right of our apartment is a stairwell.
Right of the tower and the next four windows is elevator #4; the one we use the most, in what’s called building four. Buildings three through one are more apartments going on south us. Build one is so far on down the hall it is sometimes called living in Iowa. The complex is between 57th and 59th streets so building one is actually a full block away from us even though is still under the same roof.
To the right of the offices, out of the picture, are the activity rooms: art and games, with around the corner being the exercise rooms, and pool.
To the right of the activity rooms is where building five is under construction; it reaches all the way to 59th street. Some year, building six will be built west of it.
Above the pool is the auditorium.
On down the hallway from the auditorium is the Birches Care Center with short term care, rehab, and memory care floors.
There is pretty much everything you could ever need in this complex.
Except a grocery store. We actually have to leave to leave get groceries.
It looks beautifully planned. A great place. And you could order groceries delivered so you don’t have to leave. 😁
Thank you! I’ve been wondering what it was like.