Memorial Day 2012

I’ve just been reading the blogs of some friends talking about what Memorial Day means to them which started me thinking about what it means to me.

As a child, my family called this Decoration Day and it was the day to go tend family graves. My Mom and my Grandma did that. We kids were not involved. Those graves are in Illinois so now my step-mom and my step-sister tend them along with their own ancestors’ graves. Dave’s parents were cremated so the closest we can come to them is to go sit by the river in which we distributed their ashes–a peaceful thing to do.

As a youth, Memorial Day was the weekend camping began. My parents packed up our trailer and we headed off to some state park for the long weekend. We usually went with a group of friends so had lots of cookouts and long hikes. When Dave and I started camping together we declared Memorial Day to be too crowded so we stayed home that weekend then went camping the next weekend. When we became full timers, Memorial Day became the weekend when we couldn’t get into any of the good parks–or didn’t want to do so because all the amateurs were there. 🙂

Now we are settled into an apartment in the Minneapolis area and are feeling a little lost. The family had a huge picnic Saturday to celebrate the marriage of our niece so there is no family gathering today.

So what I am doing this year is sitting here counting my blessings that all the soldiers and sailors in my family came home. And that we live in the Home of the Free because of those who have, and do, serve to keep it that way. Thank you.



2 thoughts on “Memorial Day 2012”

  1. I’m stuck with all the amateurs!

    I’m also grateful that all my soldiers are alive and well.

    I’m also pleased that the scrambled letter thingy seems to have disappeared from your comment form. Yahoo!

  2. I’m sure most have driven by cemeteries over Memorial Day. It definitely is Decoration Day. Isn’t that the original name of the holiday given it in the mid-1800’s?? It’s out of respect and love that we still decorate those graves and not only of the soldiers but of other loved ones.

    I think it’s the first long weekend that the weather is nice enough for all the campers to be out. Fulltiming folks know they’ve got to get where they’re going and have reservations or they aren’t going to find a place to park. The only relief is knowing Labor Day is just a few months ahead and the parks will be empty again.

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