I wrote this as a response to Captain Fritter’s blog then decided I needed to share it here:
Christmas is not supposed to be a consumer holiday. If you are not celebrating the birth of Jesus what are you celebrating? If you are celebrating the birth of Jesus, what would he think about your style of celebrating? I think Jesus would encourage you to give as gifts only those things you already own–like your second coat. Jesus was a minimalist.
ps. One of my commenters sent a comment that somehow went into moderator limbo but I got a copy of it in email. It included this very appropriate link: http://content.cartoonbox.slate.com/?feature=ed12318d6a88702db3d55a3d0294a95c&resize=no
My response to that cartoon is that, if you follow that advice, you may indeed end in poverty.
That is true!
Very good point!
Speaking of deja vu, I was over at Slate reading their political cartoons when I came across:
which is only good to today but I copied the image address and its address is:
and if I knew how, I would paste the image into this message. Let’s try:
[[Didn’t work; you’ll have to use the references. Drat.]]
Actually, here in the Conch Republic, on Dec. 25th. we celebrate the birth of…
Jimmy Buffett.
Very well stated, Linda. Can I use it on my Facebook? Of course, I will give you full credit. I’ve been following your adventures. You are an adventurer, like me. Hope to cross paths with you someday.