
According to Karen Trefzer in her new book The Minimalist Tool Kit, “Clutter is sticky.”

Here’s my version of how that works.

You are the first one home. You drop your purse, keys and the mail on the hall table, kick off your shoes and leave them on the floor.

Your husband comes home, add his keys and sunglasses to the pile on the table, kicks off his shoes and leaves them on the floor.

Your kid come home from his after school activity and adds his shoes and backpack to the pile on the floor.

The door bell rings. You try not to trip over any shoes on your way to answer it and are embarrassed to have your neighbor see the mess in your entryway.

OK. Here’s a different scenario.

You come home drop your keys into your purse and hang it on its designated peg on the wall. You kick off your shoes and tuck them into a cubby under a bench. You take the mail with you to the desk where you drop all the junk mail into a recycling bin there. You realize you got a letter so you get a letter opener from the desk drawer to open it and decide you might was well open the rest of the mail while you have the opener handy. You drop all the now unneeded envelopes in the recycling bin, place the bills in a to do folder, and sit down to enjoy reading your letter.

Your husband comes home, sees the clear table, and opens the drawer to put his keys and sunglasses where they belong. He kicks off his shoes, sees your in a cubby and put his in another one.

You kid comes home from his after school activity, kicks off his shoes, and puts them in a cubby. He takes his backpack into the kitchen where he puts his lunch containers into the dishwasher and his homework on the table where he will work on it while eating a snack.

The doorbell rigs. You can easily get to the door and are comfortable inviting your neighbor in to chat.

That second scenario took only moments longer than the first one but I sure find it a more pleasant one.



ps. the Kindle and paperback versions of the book are now on Amazon. I follow Karen’s blog so I know she not only talks the talk she walks the walk and has helped me to do so as well. I get nothing from recommending this book to you except pleasure if it helps you in your own journey to minimalism.

Time Spent

Lately I have been working jigsaw puzzles again. I mostly do them online nowadays using this site:

This puzzle site has a timer on each puzzle. It lets you change the background color and/or tell it to only show edge pieces to start with before the timer begins. The timer only starts when you grab the first puzzle piece.

Then it measure elapsed time since you began. It doesn’t care if you are working the puzzle or off doing something else it measures the time since you began until you finish. So taking a break can make it look like you took a LONG time to work that puzzle.

What I found interesting is that when I do stay and work the puzzle from beginning to end and check the timer at the end I am not necessarily asking how long it took to work that puzzle. Sometimes I am asking how much time I managed to kill.








We’ve been having brilliant sunshine here the last couple of days. Sunshine so bright I have to fight the urge to put on sunglasses in the house. You’d think the weather must be balmy, right?

Wrong. Sunshine like this at this time of year means there is no cloud cover to act as an insulating layer to keep earth’s warmth close to the ground. Instead the temperature is below zero with wind chill warnings.

And it will stay that way all though the three-day weekend.

It will start to warm up a bit Tuesday–finally getting temperatures above zero.

That means it will be warm enough on Wednesday to snow.

Bright sunshine here in winter does not mean what your instinct says it should. This is a case where experience outweighs instinct.



Shot again

We got our second covid-19 vaccinations yesterday. Minor reaction but nothing serious. We’ve been told that waiting two weeks before venturing out would be good but after that we don’t have to quarantine even if exposed to the virus. That’s great news! We may survive this after all!

We got shot

We received our first injections of the Moderna vaccine for Covid-19 yesterday. No side effects except for tender arms. Second injection due Feb 11th. I am so glad we live in this complex where our county health department sent nurses to do the injections since most of our residents are a lot older than Dave and me. It is weird being the youngsters in a group at age 73, though.

