This kitchen feels small. I like small. But I also like storage for our stuff.
Dave and I spent some time in here before moving in analyzing what could be done.
Then Alexa and I spent some time in here analyzing what could be done.
There are two tall pantry cupboards with pull-out drawers. Dave wanted the trash and recycling to fit in the first one, I wanted the appliances to go in that one so I wouldn’t have to move them far for cooking, and Alexa wanted the other one for all her cook-up gear.

That pretty much meant all the dishes had to go in the upper and lower corner cupboards which left two very small cupboards to hold our dry goods, the stove’s drawer to hold bakeware, and a cupboard I can’t reach to hold excess paper goods and light bulbs.

Cleaning products and my beverages went under the sink.

We only have four small drawers so we assigned them to silverware, cooking utensils, paper goods, and storage containers.

We couldn’t fit kitchen linens in here but the bathroom cuboards had plenty of room for them.
And it all worked.
And all three of us got our first choice of what went where.
Maybe this kitchen is not so small after all.