There’s a thing in blogland right now where one blogger asks others to answer a set of questions. These questions were not sent to me but I read them and found myself having the urge to answer. So, here we go.
- Why did you begin blogging, and what keeps you going?
- What is your favorite topic to write about?
- What is your favorite inspirational film?
- How would you describe your perfect day?
- What is the greatest challenge facing humanity today?
- If you could travel anywhere on the globe, where would you go?
I started blogging in 2008 when we sold nearly everything we owned and moved into an RV to go explore this country. I wanted a record of those travels. We no longer travel so I rarely add to my blog now but every now and then something happens I feel an urge to share with those few readers still with me.
My favorite topic to write about is whatever makes me laugh today. Or whatever makes me think about things I might not think otherwise.
My favorite film? You want me to pick ONE?!! Not happening.
My perfect day starts with me sleeping until I’m done, checking into my computerized relationships and hoping I am able to help someone there, sharing with Dave whatever he has picked for us to enjoy watching today, and reading a good book. I get to do most of those things every day so life is very good indeed.
The greatest challenge facing humanity today is practicing loving one another. If we could all do what is best for everyone instead of just ourselves and those in our little niche what a wonderful world this would be.
Where would I travel? Hmmm. I’ve been most of the places I wanted to go. Except Cuba. I was born in the U.S. Navy hospital at Guantanamo Bay so I’ve always kind of wanted to go there but I’m sure it is so different there now that I’m not sure I still want to go. I’ve become much more content to be a homebody again that I ever thought I would.