Some RVers, especially those who stealth camp in small vehicles, differentiate between day camps and night camps. I very rarely hang around one place during the day that is not the same place where I spent the night. But I recently did that.
I spent a Saturday night at a Cracker Barrel. Sunday morning is a very popular time for locals to eat there so I felt a need to vacate their parking lot. But, I was too close to my destination to want to move on there so early in the day. So, I moved to a Cabela’s parking lot to spend a few hours.
I don’t know if you are all familiar with Cabela’s. It is a huge sporting goods store. With huge parking lots. Most of their customers are, of course, sports people. Some of whom arrive with dogs. So Cabela’s offers dog pens where you can leave your dog outside your vehicle since we all know leaving them locked in a car while shopping is not a good plan in most weather.
Some of them also offer horse corrals. I’d never seen a horse in the corral, though. Until this stop.
Maybe it’s because I am in Texas?