Jet Lag

Is it possible to get jet lag when crossing only one time zone?

Because that’s what I appeared to have last week. I was so brain fogged I could barely function.

I have decided it’s because of my sleep schedule.

In Minnesota I had been going to bed about 3 am and getting up about noon.

Now I am in North Carolina and asking my brain to get up and function about 7 am.

It has no problem getting up at 7 am but it expects me to make a quick trip to the bathroom then go back to bed. So it says, “What do you mean ‘that’s it’? You don’t really expect me to function at this hour, do you?”

Slowly but surely it is accepting that, yes, I do expect it to function then.

So, I only went to one exercise class all week. And I’m not sure how much I learned in the lectures. I may have to repeat some classes.

But, I feel happy and I have lost almost 5 pounds so some things are going right in spite of my recalcitrant brain.

It can only get better from here, right? Right?



50 years

On October 7, 1964, several families gathered in one room in preparation for becoming members of the same church. At the end of that gathering the oldest son of one family offered a ride to the Sunday evening youth group to the daughter of a different family.

Thus it began.

Two years, two months, and twenty-two days later that young couple held their wedding reception in that same room.

And we are still a couple after all these years.

And are glad to be so.



Head ’em up; move ’em out

It’s been a wild and wooly life for me the last couple of weeks. As you all know we’ve been on a search for the fuse to my macerator all the while I was making plans to head to North Carolina. Finally, Paul, from Sportsmobile Texas said he thought I should call Sportsmobile North in Indiana and see if they could work me in on my way southeast because someone is going to have to actually LOOK for that fuse. So I called and they said they were booked for awhile but they could probably work me in if I could come Wednesday. I said sure and hung up the phone. Then realized what that meant.

Dave and I spent the next few days on a roundup. Trying to sort out and corral the things I need to take with me then transfer them to the van and stash them away so I could leave in time to make it to SMB North by Wednesday.

I got most everything I need but it’s still not all put away. But I did make it to my appointment in time.

They removed the driver’s seat hunting for that fuse. When they still couldn’t find it, I think they just started pulling fuses one by one looking for one that was burned out. Found it! It was on the main panel but mislabeled. I was a lot happier than they were. SMB Texas is going to get a decent sized bill for not labeling the fuses correctly but I got off scott free.

So I headed on my way to North Carolina. I set a new record for me. I drove seven straight days without a day off but I made my destination with a half day to spare.

And that destination is…? Structure House, a residential health improvement program where I will check-in tomorrow and save $500 a week by living in my RV in their parking lot instead of in one of their apartments. I am here for some unknown period of time where my food, exercise, mood and other health indicators will be monitored and I will attend classes to learn how to do these things on my own after I leave here in hopes of getting me completely well again.

I have no idea how much, if any, of this experience I will blog about. So, if you don’t hear from me for awhile just assume it’s because I am busy getting well. All right?



Annual Neighborhood Gathering


For the third time in three years our building-wide fire alarm went off.

Not quite dawn. (Dave took this picture when everything was pretty much over.) It took me awhile to wake up enough to realize it was the fire alarm. Before we even got to the first landing on our way down the stairs the alarm stopped.

But we could see flashing lights through the dark out the window so we waited a bit.

And the alarm started again. So we went on down.

Yes, there was a real fire. Yes, this time they hauled hoses into the front door of the building and pumped water. I have no idea why the sauna was on fire but it was.

They got the fire out and the alarms were silenced again.

For a few minutes. Then they went off again.

Seems they were having trouble clearing the smoke from the sauna’s vicinity in the basement.

The sauna, hot tub, exercise room, and the central elevators are currently out of service.

Finally the alarms stopped for the last time and I went back to bed.

But, I did meet a couple more neighbors. One of whom has lived here for 23 years. Guess she likes this place in spite of this type of neighborhood gathering, huh?



Button, button

When we were kids we used to play a game called Button, Button, Who’s got the button?

It’s not a button we are trying to guess the location of right now, though. It is a fuse.

My gray tank has an uphill run to the dump outlet. So Sportsmobile installed a macerator pump to bring the water up to the the necessary level. We were rinsing my fresh water tank the other day when the macerator decided not to work anymore. We think the fuse needs to be replaced.

At least, that’s what we are hoping needs to be done.

Except we can’t find the fuse. It’s not on the main house panel. It’s not on the vehicle panel under the driver’s seat.

We’ve been having email conversations with Sportsmobile trying to guess where it is. Paul suggested we unscrew the switch from the wall and see if the fuse is in the wires.

But our switch is not screwed to a wall; it is pressure fit inside the metal door frame. No, they didn’t recommend we pull it out to look for the fuse.

So, it looks like my next trip will be to Sportsmobile in Texas in hopes that looking at it will jog someone’s memory as to where that fuse is.

And hope that replacing it once they finally find it solves the problem.

Because once that gray tank fills up, I am dead in the water.

Quite literally since the only way I have to tell it is full is to have it back up in the shower which is also the floor to the toilet!

What a way to start a new camping season!

