Is it possible to get jet lag when crossing only one time zone?
Because that’s what I appeared to have last week. I was so brain fogged I could barely function.
I have decided it’s because of my sleep schedule.
In Minnesota I had been going to bed about 3 am and getting up about noon.
Now I am in North Carolina and asking my brain to get up and function about 7 am.
It has no problem getting up at 7 am but it expects me to make a quick trip to the bathroom then go back to bed. So it says, “What do you mean ‘that’s it’? You don’t really expect me to function at this hour, do you?”
Slowly but surely it is accepting that, yes, I do expect it to function then.
So, I only went to one exercise class all week. And I’m not sure how much I learned in the lectures. I may have to repeat some classes.
But, I feel happy and I have lost almost 5 pounds so some things are going right in spite of my recalcitrant brain.
It can only get better from here, right? Right?