A couple years ago we made a driving trip to Texas to plan my new RV. Traveling by car meant using rest areas, restaurants, and motels. During that trip my ankles became so painful it was hard for me to walk.
At my next physical I asked my doctor about that pain but she could find no reason for it. Thinking it might be arthritis I started taking glucosamine/chondroitin again as it had helped my knees years ago. No relief.
The only thing that helped was not walking.
So, at this year’s physical I asked my doctor about my ankles again. She ordered x-rays and gave me a referral to a podiatrist.
The x-rays did not show arthritis.
The doctor explained to me that just like people’s eyes change shape over the years requiring glasses feet can change shape requiring more support. These supports are called orthotics and they would do a test to see if those might help me.
This is what the test looks like:

That is tape they put on my feet to mimic the support of orthotics. I was to wear the tape for at least three but not more than five days to see if they helped. If not, I was to have a radiological bone scan on day four.
For me, this taping was like a wonder drug! I was able to run errands two days in a row without ankle pain!
…I am allergic to adhesives. I managed to leave the tape on almost three full days but once removed the reason for my itching was clear:

I had this rash on both feet and it had been driving me nuts!
But, at least, I didn’t have to do the bone scan.
I wanted that relief back without the allergic reaction so we we tried wrapping my feet with an ace bandage:

Unfortunately, that didn’t help.
So, back to the doctor I went and they made these molds of my feet:

Which they then sent off to have orthotics custom made just for me.
Now, for the next challenge. These are meant to replace the insoles in any pair of shoes. But the shoes I wear most are these:

And those insoles are not removable. I tried putting the orthotics in on top of the molded insoles and they fit in the shoe but they make the arch support way too high so didn’t even come close to being comfortable. Unless I want to sand down the insoles of these shoes, I don’t think they are going to work.
So, I started looking at other shoes I own. Like these:

As you can see by the one in the back, these insoles come out. In fact I used to wear these shoes so much I wore out one pair of insoles and ordered another pair from the shoe manufacturer. So these would work. As long as the weather is nice. Except for the fact that I’m supposed to wear socks to protect the insoles. Socks with sandals, anyone?
Then there is these:

I haven’t tried these yet because I’d have to trim the insoles to fit. What they have in them now is not so much an insole as a liner. But the tops are stretchy fabric so I might be able to put the orthotics in and still get my feet into them. But, I won’t know until I’ve already trimmed the orthotics. I’m not excited about making that experiment.
The one other pair of shoes I own do not have removable anything. Plus, they are sandals, too.
As a minimalist, I hate the idea of having to go buy shoes when I already own all these. Especially since I only bought those Crocs last month.
But, I sure do like having no ankle pain.