
This is the sofa that came with our Winnebago View:


When the slide is in the aisle with my shoes in it looks like this:


When the slide is opened out it looks like this:


And when the sofa is opened in the process of turning it into a bed it looks like this:


I have now “slept” on that bed for six months. But it has never been comfortable. We added a memory foam pad to it–nope, still not comfortable. We added a bed bridge down the center to help fill in the crack–nope, still not comfortable.

Finally, we decided it need to be replaced. After much discussion we decided to replace it with a plywood platform to hold a Tempurpedic mattress. That’s the brand of mattress we had in our house and I slept better on it than I had on anything else in years.

Yesterday PPL Motor Homes in Houston, Texas, built me a new bed using as their model a daybed style where you just throw lots of cushions on it when you want to use it as a sofa. Using all the pillows we already had, it now looks like this:


When the slide is closed the aisle is two inches narrower.


But when the slide is open, the aisle stays wide all the time because this bed doesn’t open and close. So, when I get out of bed my feet land on the carpet instead of the cold tile.


Plus, now it takes much less effort to be ready to go to bed at night or hit the road in the morning. And during the night last night the sofa mechanism did not poke me. And this morning my hips did not hurt. I am, once again, a happy camper.



ps. If you know anyone in the market for a new sofa, PPL has ours for sale. It is UltraLeather which is very soft to the touch.  We really liked it as a sofa; just not as a bed for someone with a body like mine.

Ordinary Days

Somehow when we moved into an RV and hit the road, I think we thought every day would be extraordinary. Not true. There are many mundane days. We’ve been having a string of them. So here’s a list of ordinary.

Thursday we went to the UPS Store to pay for the boxes they packed and shipped for us. They put our five boxes of things into four boxes so we’ll have more sorting to do in our storeroom some day. It cost a lot to ship and insure all those things but the truck scale said the result is being 30 pounds under our maximum weight which is very good news. And the rain held off until we were leaving there which was also good news.

We drove to Houston in the rain and went to PPL Motor Homes to see if they could do the modifications we want anytime soon. They said, “Yes, we can start tomorrow morning.” But we have the hitch work scheduled for tomorrow to which they replied, “Good. Monday is better.”  More good news.

Then we went to Gallery Furniture to buy  a new Tempurpedic mattress. PPL is going to take out our sofa bed and install a platform for the Termpurpedic which we will then use as a day bed. The hope is I will begin sleeping well again which will increase our happiness since I get grumpy when I don’t sleep well. I’m also hoping it will decrease my backaches so I can do more things again. The mattress I want is on sale. It’s less than half the price of my second choice.  How much good news can we get?

Then we went to the WalMart where Smitty’s said many of there customers overnight. Nope, not allowed there. So we went to the next closest WalMart. Nope, not allowed there either. So we went back to PPL where they have electrical hookups available for their customers and spent the night.  That started out as bad news but turned good since the electical hookup is free.

Friday we spent all day at Smitty’s getting the hitch work done. Well, almost done. They didn’t have the right wheel for the upright post. The one they need will be in about 3:30 Tuesday afternoon. It’s a good thing we don’t have anyplace we need to be right now.

When we got back to PPL someone had moved into the space we’d used the night before. We forgot to leave our orange cone that says this space is taken. We were given our choice of three less official spaces. The first one was on wet grass that wasn’t close to level so we passed on it. The second one had too much voltage coming from the electrical hookup so our Electrical Management System disconnected us to protect our electronics. So we took the third one. It’s outside the range of their security cameras but the electrical hookup worked.

Saturday we went back to the scale to see how much weight Smitty’s hitch fix had added. We are now 140 pounds overweight. Let’s hope the replacement bed weighs less than the sofa bed.

Then we went to Target to get new sheets for the new bed since we don’t have any that will fit it. We also bought a bed skirt because skirting the new bed will weigh less than building cupboards under it. We bought a tailored skirt which made Dave happy since he thought we’d have to get ruffled.

Then we went to the new KFC/Taco Bell for lunch. They let us pay today.

Then we went to WalMart to get lightweight storage drawers to put under the new bed. We need these because PPL is going to remove some drawers from our kitchen to add a supplemental fresh water tank so we don’t have to go fill so often when we are parking long term. OK, long term for us is more than four days; wanna make something of it?

Then we went back to PPL. While we were out someone left one of the regular spots so we took it. We are now back under the eye of the guy monitoring the security cameras and we have an electrical hookup of the proper voltage.

Today, Sunday, we went to the 59 Diner for lunch. Cool place. But so many hard surfaces echoing the noise that we could barely hear the 50s music. Good burgers and malt, though.

Then we picked up our new mattress. Tonight we’ll put it on top of the sofa bed which will make for a very tall bed but we decided it was important to have it on hand when they start the remodel tomorrow. Besides, it was a lot more sane to dive up there in today’s light traffic than in tomorrow evening’s rush hour traffic.

We also went to Flying J up there to get propane. We didn’t get it, though. They are out until tomorrow morning’s delivery. Dave “thinks” we have enough for tonight. Hopefully the furnace won’t give up before morning. Our comforters will keep us warm overnight but we don’t get to stay in bed until the outside temperatures warm up the inside–we have work to be done.  Exciting work.



ps.  For those who care, Florida has been added to the public park camping spreadsheets.

New Blog Features

You may have already noticed that Dave put a map on my blog so you can now see at a glance where we camped most recently. He updates this every time we move. I do nothing with it. If it is wrong, I plead not guilty.

You haven’t yet had time to notice the newest feature since it just went up this evening. Way down in the right corner of the page you will find an entry called Other Stuff and under that one called Public Park Camping. This is an experiment. I gather lots of data to help us decide where to go. Our daughter thinks I should be selling my complilations. I don’t want to turn my retirement into work. But making spreadsheets is fun. So here’s a couple pieces of my spreadsheets for you to play with to see if you think they’re fun, too. Or if they’re at least helpful.



Catching Up

It feels like forever since I posted an entry but it has only been two days. I guess they’ve been very full days. Let’s see what my notes say we’ve been doing.

When we departed Usery Mountain it looked like it was snowing on Hwy 60 in Phoenix! It was just pieces of styrofoam blowing in the wind, though.

We stopped at REI and stocked up on freeze dried food then headed south on I-10. The next thing I know a sign was warning “Blizzard conditions ahead!” Snow after all?  No, it was an ad for DQ. 

We stopped for the night at Picacho Peak State Park still in Arizona. Cool place. $20 for an electric hookup. Spaces placed so your neighbors didn’t feel like they were in your lap. A Civil War Reenactment we didn’t see because it’s next month.  And hiking trails we didn’t hike including one that recommends wearing gloves to grip the cable that helps you climb Picacho Peak. 

It’s a nice stop right along the highway but far enough from the road for the highway traffic sounds to be white noise. We’ll come back here, I’m sure. Next time I’d like to do some trails. Not the one with the cable, though.

While in the park Dave heard a cat. Around here outdoor cats are called coyote food. If you come here, don’t bring any cats that like to escape the confines of your vehicle.

As we passed Tucson I saw a roach coach type food vendor except this one was built on a golf cart! I guess that makes sense since I saw it on a golf course.  

Along I-10 there was a sign that said, “Mowers Ahead.” My first though was, “They mow cactus?” The answer turned out to be, “Sort of.” They had some machine they placed over small trees and it chewed them up. Reminded me of the movie Fargo.

Another sign: “Diesel Deli.” It made me laugh then I realized it could actually mean what it said. What type of diesel would you like today? Farm diesel? Low sulphur? Ultra low sulphur? We have it all.

We stopped for a night at the Escapees’ Saguaro Co-op in Benson, Arizona. The sign at the entrance said they were full except for boondocking but when Dave went in to register they said they have one spot with hookups that can only take short RVs so we got full hookups.  

We knew ’08 classmates Mike & Julie were supposed to be in the park somewhere but they posted on the forum that they were going to Mexico for the day. Not knowing what happens when a call bounces outside the U.S. we decided not to try calling them on the phone. Instead we posted a message that we were in the park, too. I didn’t get their reply until the next morning just before we headed out so we missed seeing them but we did talk by phone about where we are headed and the likelihood we would meet up again along the road. I would have liked to stay another day to see them and maybe Dave K. who was headed that direction. But the weather forecast is for windstorms with rain the direction we are headed so we decided we needed to keep moving.

Leaving Benson the sign gave the mileage to the next town then the mileage to El Paso, Texas, as if New Mexico is not between the two. Hmmm. Some rivalry there maybe?

On the track beside the road was a unit hopper train with smoking coming from it about half way back from the engines. We paid close attention thinking maybe we were going to see a hotbox. What we saw was one hopper gate open a little bit spilling rocks along the way. Dave’s theory is they were replenishing ballast.

We stopped at a rest area where a vending machine started calling to me. “Linda. Come over here. We probably have something you’d like.” Now, I’ve been trying to eat more healthful food. Instead of cookies and chips we’ve started buying graham crackers and fruits and nuts. I’m enjoying eating those. But that darn machine just kept calling. So, I bought a small bag of Cheetos. I didn’t eat them, though. We were too close to one of my favorite lunches.

We saw a sign advertising a place called Phantom Fireworks. Dave asked, “Do they really exist?” Which we thought was really funny until we got to the places and it was closed. Then it was even funnier. I guess you had to be there.

We keep passing sets of signs warning of possible dust storms which could have “Zero Visibility” and warning you to not stop in traffic lanes. I guess it’s a good thing we keep moving without stopping at the sites along the way since the winds are supposed to hit here before the rains do. Mike and Julie are planing to travel this road a day behind us. I hope they don’t get into one of those wind storms.

The speed limit on this stretch of road is 75. I saw the sign and looked at Dave with a smile. He smiled, too, and said, “I’m going a dyslexic 75.” We get better mileage going just under 60 mph so that’s what we do. Unless we are going slower than that. In one construction zone the speed limit was 65 but we decided we didn’t have to go that fast there either. Which was good because it dropped to 55 shortly after that so even we had to slow down for that one.

About a half hour west of Deming, New Mexico, we passed what appears to be a railroad storage yard. One track had auto racks, one had tank cars, and one had hoppers. All just parked out there in the middle of nowhere. That could make an interesting model operation. A through train could stop and drop cars not needed elsewhere or pick up cars that are now needed. It’s seems likely to me that the drop off could be a mixed cut that needed to be sorted but the pickup would likely be all of one type.

We stopped at a rest area in New Mexico that had interesting picnic shelters.

And an interesting definition of pets.

There was a billboard that said “Follow the zipper to yardstick 102.” I thought about that one for awhile. The graphics indicated the zipper was the dotted line down the middle of this side of the divided highway. So it’s likely the yardstick is a mile marker or exit number. They could have just said that. Of course, then I wouldn’t have spent as much time thinking about it. I still don’t know what was at mile marker 102, though.

Some of the shops along here do too much advertising. These are “trading posts” with each sign advertising a set of items. One for jewelry. One for moccasins. One for products made from cactus. One for rugs. One for ponchos. One for moccasins. One for snakes. One for leather goods.  One for a free hot dog with a tank of gas. By the time I’ve read all the signs all I can think is, “Tourist trap.” So we don’t stop. Not many other people do either. That last one had two cars out front and a small U-Haul truck at the gas pumps.

In Deming, New Mexico, we spent the night at the Escapees’ Dream Catcher RV Park. This one is not a co-op; it’s just an RV park—basically a gravel parking lot with just enough trees to make you pay attention when you are trying to park. They had a nice laundry though so we have clean clothes again. They also had what was probably a nice potluck but I didn’t go in with Dave to register so I didn’t see the notice. It didn’t even occur to Dave to mention it to me. So the first I knew about it is when I saw people heading to the clubhouse carrying crock pots. I guess I’d better start going in with Dave if I want to know what’s happening.

In Las Cruces, New Mexico, we stopped at the BLM District Office to get a map of their territory. I went in without Dave this time. They charged me $4 for the map of New Mexico. I had to go back out to the RV to get money. I liked the Yuma office better; they gave Dave two maps for free. Hmmm. Maybe I’m not supposed to go in.

Billboards on opposite sides of the highway advertised different places at Exit 0. One said 9 miles and the other said 11 miles to the exit. I wonder if their surveyor is the same one who did the original survey of Dave’s Dad’s property on Lake Milacs which resulted in everyone building their boathouses on their neighbor’s property?

We pulled into Hueco Tanks State Historic Site about 3:30 this afternoon. The sign said the park was full but we were welcome to come in and put our name on the waiting list. I decided to go in anyway to see where they recommend we go and to buy an annual Texas State Park Pass which will save us money on admissions. It turns out the campground is not full. What they ran out of is permits to hike in this historically important but fragile place. So as long as we don’t go see the pictographs, we can stay here tonight. We have a nice campsite with electricity and water and a beautiful sunset.


And the reason it feels like it’s been longer than two days since I posted is that I was already two days behind then. Sorry, this one is so long. I didn’t even include everything from my notes and look how long it is. Is this a case of “The hurrier I go the behinder I get”?

