We’ve been having trouble staying under our 5 gig a month limit on our data downloads through our Verizon air card. Millenicom offers 20 gig a month for less money and uses primarily Verizon’s towers to do it. So, Dave decided we should change.
We now have another new air card. This is the third one in three years. Sort of like our motorhomes. 🙂
So now that we have such a big limit, Dave asked if we should try streaming video. Our Netflix account lets us do that at no extra charge.
We started tonight by watching two episodes of a ten episode TV series. We connected Dave’s computer to the big screen TV for the video output. It sort of worked.
It was like watching You Tube on a big screen. The player was faster than the download so it kept stalling. I think next time, unless we are somewhere with a much faster connection, we’ll download the whole thing first then watch it. We didn’t even have any commercials to watch while waiting for the program to resume. 🙂
We don’t know yet how much of our 20 Gig we used watching the two episodes. Depending on how much it used, it may take us awhile to see all of the program.
Is this better than waiting for our next movies to arrive in the mail? The jury is still out on that question.