Northshore RV Resort

We arrived at this RV park last Sunday afternoon to be greeted by these signs:

So Dave walked over to the red box…

…where he found what looked to me like a CB radio handheld microphone.

The guy on duty soon showed up and checked us in.

Here we are looking down the road in front of our “campsite” as Dave unhitches the car so we can back into our site.

And here’s our site and our view after parking of our neighbor across the street:

Ah, yes. All the comforts of home.

Hey, we have water, electricity, and sewer with some shade thrown in for a bonus and our air card works just fine. We even have atmosphere–look closely under our neighbor’s awning and you can see the Colorado river flowing by. What else could you want?



California, Here We Come

We’ve spent most of the winter in Arizona but it’s now getting hot here so it is time to move on. (OK, technically we’ve been in California a whole bunch of the winter including these last three weeks but everyone thinks of this park as being in Parker, Arizona, to the point that it’s even on Arizona time.)

Today we will move to Needles, California, where there is another park belonging to our membership camping system for us to check out. We can stay there for up to two weeks for free but how long we will actually stay depends on several things. The first, for us, is how strong an internet signal we get; must have our daily connection, you know. The second is what the weather does there; we’ll move on if it gets too hot. The third is scheduling of future stops. This is prime snowbird migration time so we may actually have to make reservations for campgrounds we hope to visit.

From Needles, we’ll move west. We want to spend some time at the joint Southern Pacific/Santa Fe Railroad’s Tehachapi Loop. We saw it when the driver was taking us to Nevada to deliver this motorhome but there was no way to convince him to stop so we want to go back and really see it this time. And we may drive over to Caliente to see what’s there now. The La Mesa Model Railroad Club,, is modeling that entire stretch of railroad and when we were at the club many years ago I played the part of the Caliente Operator at an operating session. It might be nice to see the place where I spent a day. 🙂

From there we hope to go visit the Escapees’s Park of the Sierras co-op RV park. We’ve heard rave reviews of it from friends. And we have a discount coupon allowing us to stay there for a week for $48! That’s quite a bargain.

Our next proposed event is at a Segway dealer in Oakland, California, where we hope to either repair or sell my Segway. I did get right back on it after my fall but I never regained my confidence in it so I seldom ride it now. A friend (Hi, Bruce.) sent me a link to a folding travel scooter  I may buy to replace the Segway if I can sell the Segway for enough to justify the exchange. You can check it out at if you are interested.

Then we’ll get on US Highway 101 and head north. Right on out of California again.

Of course, all of this is written in chalk to make it easy to change but that’s the plan. For now.



Bigger, better, faster!

We’ve been having trouble staying under our 5 gig a month limit on our data downloads through our Verizon air card. Millenicom offers 20 gig a month for less money and uses primarily Verizon’s towers to do it. So, Dave decided we should change.

We now have another new air card. This is the third one in three years. Sort of like our motorhomes. 🙂

So now that we have such a big limit, Dave asked if we should try streaming video. Our Netflix account lets us do that at no extra charge.

We started tonight by watching two episodes of a ten episode TV series. We connected Dave’s computer to the big screen TV for the video output. It sort of worked.

It was like watching You Tube on a big screen. The player was faster than the download so it kept stalling. I think next time, unless we are somewhere with a much faster connection, we’ll download the whole thing first then watch it. We didn’t even have any commercials to watch while waiting for the program to resume. 🙂

We don’t know yet how much of our 20 Gig we used watching the two episodes. Depending on how much it used, it may take us awhile to see all of the program.

Is this better than waiting for our next movies to arrive in the mail? The jury is still out on that question.




We’re fine. I’ve just been too grumpy to write. The blisters on my heels returned so I have truly been going nowhere. But, I’m working on lots of projects some of which may show up here some day. So, today I’m peeking out my one uncovered window just to say we’re fine. Really.


Linda, the part-time hermit

Gypsies and Queens

We spent the last week at the Gypsy Journal’s Rally, a.k.a the Gypsy Gathering, in Yuma, Arizona.

Here’s our hosts: Nick and Terry Russell, writers/editors/publishers of the Gypsy Journal, a great couple who support themselves on the road by publishing the Journal and other things.

They host the rally that makes us laugh the most of all the rallies we’ve been to. Others make us laugh sometimes but Nick makes us laugh every day with the comments he makes as he introduces people to us, awards door prizes and other prizes, and presents his own seminars.

Here’s one couple he introduced to us. They call themselves Ea$y Money.

But we didn’t make it easy for them that night. They thought they were coming to play for a dance but the room was set up for a concert. RVers are nothing if not versatile and easy to please, though. So we danced anyway–in back of the audience. In couples and as line dancers. There were more dancers than these pictures show but, like I said, they were behind us so it was hard to get good pictures of them.

Wednesday evening started with the traditional pizza party. Terry has her helpers so organized they served 300 people in 15 minutes!

That was followed by the Gypsy Queen contest. It’s hard to walk away from one of these because our laugh muscles hurt.

Here’s the contestant I thought was the most lady like–contestant #2.

Here’s Nick trying to help contestant #1 be lady like. Knees together, please.

Did it work?

Not until she…

…used her feather boa to tie her knees together. But look at contestant #2–very lady like pose. And what about this one–check out the model-like position of those legs.

This candidate though bringing wine might help.

And this one is discussing with Nick the possibility of his being the baby’s daddy.

As each candidate was introduced Nick told us their names and read their biographies to us. With my bad hearing I missed most of the names but this one is Miss Lottie Hottie.

So there you have them. Eight candidates for Gypsy Queen. Who would you vote for?

It turned out to be more of a popularity contest than a beauty contest. The one who misbehaved the most, thus made us laugh the most, won. So here’s Miss Lottie wearing her crown over her hat.

Oh, yeah. During the week we also won a fire extinguisher, went to some seminars where we learned some new things, bought some new stuff from some vendors who presented good infomercial type seminars, and ate some mini donuts. Isn’t that what these gatherings are all about?

