Prompted by things I’ve seen along they way.
A car that said, “Veterans Affairs Police.” Do the people who administer veterans’ benefits misbehave enough to need an entire police force to monitor them? Or are veteran’s that promiscuous?
Is the Holiday Inn named for Christmas? You know, the holiday that celebrates the most famous hunt for a place to sleep?
In Mississippi the sign said, “M DOT”. In Minnesota it says, “MN DOT. I suppose Mississippi didn’t want to use their two letter abbreviation though. That would make them be MS DOT which would probably be pronounced Miz Dot and some southern lady would named Dorothy would try to answer.
A sign in New York said, “Break a treaty; break a law.” But, we already know our government doesn’t abide by it’s own laws, right? Never has. Probably never will.
Sign on a truck advertising Hunter Drums. “You can’t beat our drums.” Then what good are they?
At a rest area the sign said diesels over five tons are not to be left idling. So we turned off our engine. But, we have a diesel generator running our house air conditioning and the day is hot. I say, “The generator isn’t over five tons.” Dave replies, “It isn’t idling.” So we let it run.
“Jesus saves.” He must be rich by now. Think of all that interest.
The sign said, “All vehicles with livestock must exit.” But the truck must have been carrying pork since it said, “Make a pig of yourself.” Does that make it deadstock? Being carried by a meat wagon? Which is another name for a hearse? Enough of that line, OK?
Hobo signs are petroglyphs and pictographs. Shouldn’t we be preserving them?
The way we travel now makes me think of the card game Liverpool Rummy with it runs and sets.
“Do not throw litter.” Drop it gently.
On US 380 in Texas, “Watch for water on the road.” Is that like cross your fingers and hope?
“Slower traffic keep right.” But before we could get into that lane the next sign said, “Lane ends. Merge left.” Do you think maybe they could have found a better location for that first sign?
The sign on the truck said, “For all your concrete and construction needs.” But there was no company ID on the truck. I guess if you were supposed to know who to call you already would know.
Dentist advertising, “LOL again.”
On the back of a semi tractor, “Look what the CAT drug home.”
“Bikers make lousy speed bumps. Be aware.” Not funny; necessary.
Had enough yet?