Billboards. Love ’em or hate ’em. I find many of them very entertaining. Unsold ones are appearing along our roads with more frequency in these tight economic times so the billboard companies are advertising their availability.
There’s one company that paints their unsold billboard black then puts what looks like a bumper sticker with their phone number angled across it in case you want to rent their billboard. The problem is the number is too small to read from the freeway. Why would I want to do business with a company that doesn’t understand their own product?
Then there’s the plain but honest one that says, “This sign for rent.” We would have had to circle back past to get their phone number but at least it was readable if I hadn’t spent our time driving past reading the first part.
Then there was one that filled the entire billboard with their phone number. No problem reading that one but not really fun to read either.
The one that advertised itself as “Road Candy” made me wince. Isn’t that what sticks to the bottom of your shoe? Or what your kid picks up off the street then wants to eat? Yuck!
Here’s some I liked.
“Let’s make a big impression.”
“Read ’em and reap.”
“Wish you were here.”
“Advertising at the speed of sight.”
“Use your outside voice.”
“Ad space as big as your first apartment”
“I could recommend a restaurant.”
Next to a picture of a golf ball entering the hole, “We’ve got a lot of practice hitting the green.”
The one I’m wating for? “What’s your sign?”