
Billboards. Love ’em or hate ’em. I find many of them very entertaining. Unsold ones are appearing along our roads with more frequency in these tight economic times so the billboard companies are advertising their availability.

There’s one company that paints their unsold billboard black then puts what looks like a bumper sticker with their phone number angled across it in case you want to rent their billboard. The problem is the number is too small to read from the freeway. Why would I want to do business with a company that doesn’t understand their own product?

Then there’s the plain but honest one that says, “This sign for rent.” We would have had to circle back past to get their phone number but at least it was readable if I hadn’t spent our time driving past reading the first part.

Then there was one that filled the entire billboard with their phone number. No problem reading that one but not really fun to read either.

The one that advertised itself as “Road Candy” made me wince. Isn’t that what sticks to the bottom of your shoe? Or what your kid picks up off the street then wants to eat? Yuck!

Here’s some I liked.

“Let’s make a big impression.”

“Read ’em and reap.”

“Wish you were here.”

“Advertising at the speed of sight.”

“Use your outside voice.”

“Ad space as big as your first apartment”

“I could recommend a restaurant.”

Next to a picture of a golf ball entering the hole, “We’ve got a lot of practice hitting the green.”

The one I’m wating for? “What’s your sign?”



Random Thoughts From the Road

Prompted by things I’ve seen along they way.

A car that said, “Veterans Affairs Police.” Do the people who administer veterans’ benefits misbehave enough to need an entire police force to monitor them? Or are veteran’s that promiscuous?

Is the Holiday Inn named for Christmas? You know, the holiday that celebrates the most famous hunt for a place to sleep?

In Mississippi the sign said, “M DOT”. In Minnesota it says, “MN DOT. I suppose Mississippi didn’t want to use their two letter abbreviation though. That would make them be MS DOT which would probably be pronounced Miz Dot and some southern lady would named Dorothy would try to answer.

A sign in New York said, “Break a treaty; break a law.” But, we already know our government doesn’t abide by it’s own laws, right? Never has. Probably never will.

Sign on a truck advertising Hunter Drums. “You can’t beat our drums.” Then what good are they?

At a rest area the sign said diesels over five tons are not to be left idling. So we turned off our engine. But, we have a diesel generator running our house air conditioning and the day is hot. I say, “The generator isn’t over five tons.” Dave replies, “It isn’t idling.” So we let it run.

“Jesus saves.” He must be rich by now. Think of all that interest.

The sign said, “All vehicles with livestock must exit.” But the truck must have been carrying pork since it said, “Make a pig of yourself.” Does that make it deadstock? Being carried by a meat wagon? Which is another name for a hearse? Enough of that line, OK?

Hobo signs are petroglyphs and pictographs. Shouldn’t we be preserving them?

The way we travel now makes me think of the card game Liverpool Rummy with it runs and sets.

“Do not throw litter.” Drop it gently.

On US 380 in Texas, “Watch for water on the road.” Is that like cross your fingers and hope?

“Slower traffic keep right.” But before we could get into that lane the next sign said, “Lane ends. Merge left.” Do you think maybe they could have found a better location for that first sign?

The sign on the truck said, “For all your concrete and construction needs.” But there was no company ID on the truck. I guess if you were supposed to know who to call you already would know.

Dentist advertising, “LOL again.”

On the back of a semi tractor, “Look what the CAT drug home.”

“Bikers make lousy speed bumps. Be aware.” Not funny; necessary.

Had enough yet?



The I-10 to Yuma

Cue the RVer’s theme song by Willie Nelson. All join in now: On the road again…

Fulltime RVers who travel across the southern states call the route the I-10 route. Even though part of it follows I-12 and part of it follows I-8. Most of it follows I-10.

But, we have little in common with the movie “The 3:10 to Yuma” except our determination to get where we are going. For us right now that’s Yuma, Arizona, where our Escapee group is having a big get-together next week.

Wish us good weather with no cross winds, please.



New Year’s Day

It is dark and stormy outside but warm and calm inside. That’s a good way to start a new year, right?

Today’s date is 1/1/11. In computer terms the binary number 1111 means everything is on! So anything is possible, right? But in hexadecimal, which is a way computer programmers refer to 1111, that equals F. Which I certainly hope does not stand for failure.

It’s a new year. I want to write a good story about this coming year. I hope your story this year is a good one, too.



Camping World Service, Part 4

We’ve been back about a week but we’ve received no calls from Camping World. So this morning we stopped in to see them. It’s the holidays so nothing much is happening.

Back when Dave worked for a manufacturing company they used to shut down for two weeks at Christmas and the New Year. Nobody orders machinery during those times, right?

Now, I don’t know if Suburban Furnace shut down or not, all I know is our parts haven’t arrived. Our service rep, Becky, said if we wanted to wait until Monday they’d see if they can get parts shipped overnight.

But, I’m done waiting. Our RV group is in Arizona having fun in the warmth there and I want to be there, too.

Unfortunately the weather forecast here is for thunderstorms with high wind gusts through Saturday so we’ll wait until Sunday to leave.

In the meantime, we got a call from Colorado River Adventure membership RV park. Camping World signed us up to receive 20 free nights of camping. When we would like to come get the certificate? They scheduled us for January 10th. If we’ll listen to their sales presentation we’ll get another four nights free camping, $50 for our time, and certificates for $100 to be redeemed at Shell gas stations. I hope the Shell certificates are good for diesel since we don’t use gasoline. And I’m not sure we can get there by January 10th. We may have to reschedule that for after our big group gathering.

But at least we now have a date for leaving cold Alabama heading towards warm Arizona. And a furnace that still needs fixing at some Camping World on down the road.

