Museum of Work and Culture

I found the Museum of Work and Culture in Woonsocket, Rhode island, a fascinating place. Very little of it was my history but it felt like it was because it was such a submersive experience.

The story is primarily about the French Canadians who came to Woonsocket to work in the mills. These people had been mostly agrarian, working at home with the work day based on the sun rising and setting and the seasons.

When they moved to Rhode Island, a few were able to continue working at home.

But most went to work at the mills where life was very different.

They no longer had control over when they would work.

They no longer had control over how they would work.

They didn’t even have control over the results of their work.

Being a proud people, many rebelled. Some in small ways, others in larger ways.

But much of their culture was against them. They went to church and the priest told them to look to Heaven for their reward.

Their children went to school where the nuns and priests reinforced that idea for the children to take home to their parents.

Those few who met with management were told how things were being done for their own good.

Only the Unions said things need to change.

So people met on neighbor’s porches and in neighbor’s parlors and talked about all these ideas.

And decided to strike.

But the timing was bad, management was broke, and the mills closed. No longer was there money to invest in the credit union.

But, somehow the people and their culture survived. The woman working the desk, who was about our age, told us that when she went to school the nuns still taught half the day’s lessons in French.

And today you can host your own event here.

Is that success?



Lowell’s Boat Shop

According to a handout from the site, “Established 1793, Lowell’s Boat Shop is the oldest continuously operating boat shop in America and is cited as the birthplace of the legendary fishing dory.”

The dory’s bottom is very narrow.

It’s sides are high and made from wide planks.

It is an economical boat to produce. It was even more so back before OSHA when painters, paid by the boat, turned them hull up and poured buckets of paint over them.

When the runoff paint dried on the floor, the floor became very uneven.

Fisherman used long lines with many drops with a hook on each drop. Look closely and you can see the line running in front of this sign with drops just to the left of the A and the right of the W and &. You could store a lot of that line in the half barrel looking thing in the boat.

The construction of the boat meant it actually became more stable as you hauled in more fish–good for foul weather trips home.

And foul weather we’ve had so that was important to the fishermen.



Minute Man National Historic Park

The colonists who settled in Massachusetts were mostly British subjects. Fearing that a regular army would interfere with their rights they established instead local militias.  These militiamen practiced on the the weekends on the village greens to be ready at a minute’s notice to fight to protect their people and property. They were the predecessors of today’s “weekend warriors” a.k.a The National Guard.

But King George, having decided to tax the colonists sent part of his regular army to Boston which scared the colonists. So the colonists watched and prepared in case they needed to defend themselves, I won’t say against the British since they still considered themselves British at that point in time.

The regulars brought in some brass cannon which the colonists coveted.

To put it in terms a local might have used at the time. “We stole their cannon. They attacked us. We whupped them.”

Where does Paul Revere fit into all this? Well, not quite where Henry Wadsworth Longfellow would have it but close. He was one of two riders sent from Boston to Concord, where the cannon were hidden, to warn the militias along the way that the regulars were on the move. He was captured before he got to Concord, though. And, Dawes, the other guy sent from Boston turned tail and ran back home. They guy who actually got through was a doctor who had been out courting and was returning to his home in Concord.

History depends on who is writing the story.




We’ve found another restaurant chain we like.

For those of you back in Minnesota, this is the equivalent of Bridgeman’s Ice Cream Parlor.

You can go to the counter and order ice cream treats to go.

Or you can go in and sit down for a meal.

Here’s my large, tasty, burger with lettuce and tomato but no onion and more than enough fries for me:

And here’s Dave pretending this is not what he ordered for lunch:

He said it was too soon after breakfast to have lunch. When I mentioned his non-lunch probably had more calories than my lunch he replied that it was not as filling, though.

But, we both enjoyed our treats and will probably go back to this chain if we run across another one close to meal time.



Airport Diner

We like this Comman Man restaurant in Manchester, New Hampshire, so much we went back one last time before leaving town tomorrow.

It’s attached to a Holiday Inn so you could get in there with an RV. Just don’t panic when you try to leave and can’t turn left. You’ll be glad you had to go around the block because there you get a light to help you turn back onto the main drag.

This place is a typical diner with booths, counter seats, and glass block separating the kitchen area.

And rock ‘n’ roll music playing in the background. So far in the background that we could hardly hear it during this evening’s rush but that’s probably good since it means I’m less likely to try to sing along.

What’s not typical are the airplanes overhead.

And the pre-loaded graffiti on the bathroom walls.

I don’t recommend anyone larger than a toddler try out this jump seat.

Oh, yeah, the food is good too. Once again we have carrot cake in the frig to eat later. We like ordering desert to go and this one was worth repeating.

