Deadlines are a familiar word to most working people. You have certain tasks that must be completed by a certain time. We thought that word would be completely dropped from our vocabulary once we retired. We were wrong. We don’t have as many deadlines as we used to have but they are still there.
For instance, in Minnesota every summer we have the deadlines of when we need to be there for medical appointments. If we make reservations for camping, we have deadlines for arriving. If we register for a rally, we have a deadline we try to meet.
We are on our way to Maine to see our daughter. She is leaving on vacation September 21st. Our planned route and stops along the way will take us somewhere between 12 and 18 days to get there. Which works.
But then we face the other major deadline we face every year. Winter. Our list of things we’d like to see in New England while we are there has nearly 50 items on it. That’s the list of things to see AFTER we visit our daughter. Then there’s nearly 50 more items we’d like to see before we get south far enough to escape winter. If we visit one site a day that’s three months!
We don’t plan to make another trip to New England so what do we do about all those sites we want to see? I guess we dawdle less along the way there. So, no we are not going to the Gypsy Gathering next week. We need to be moving on. We can catch another Gypsy Gathering somewhere down the road much easier that we can see those sites that are so far away. New England, here we come.