
I had the last of our scheduled medical appointments this afternoon. Not all the report cards are in yet, but no one has yet called in a panic and said we need you back soon.  So we have a model railroad operating session tonight and another one next Friday night then, on August 22nd, we’ll be singing every RVer’s theme song: Willie Nelson’s “On the Road Again.”

It been a challenge being in a park where we have no yard to speak of and no guest parking. How do we invite over all those people we want to see? We finally had a family gathering at Dave’s sister’s mother-in-law’s house but we still haven’t seen Dave’s former co-workers yet. Come on, guys, someone pick a time and place and let’s do it! The best we can offer is a gathering at the local Perkin’s Restaurant then carpooling down the hill for those who want to see our new house. Do you want to do that?

We also have friends in Scandia we’d like to spend more time with but Scandia is a 70 mile drive one way from our campground and that’s a long way to go for short visit. We do see them at some of the operating sessions so that may have to do it for this year. Next year we’ll try to park closer to them.

We will be back.



Medical Merry-go-round

Isn’t it amazing how one medical appointment can lead to another?

We weren’t surprised that Dave’s dentist appointment led to another because his teeth are falling apart just like his mother’s teeth did. But, we didn’t know I would walk out with an appointment with an oral surgeon to see if there’s anything that can be done about my upper lip injury from last year’s Segway “incident”.

Then, yesterday I went to see my primary physician and I walked out of there with orders for:

Lab work, of course.

An order for an x-ray of my right knee, the one still giving me problems.

An order for a mammogram.

An appointment for a colonoscopy.

An appointment for a bone density scan.

An appointment for a blood pressure follow-up check.

And an appointment for an orthopedic consultation to decide if we should open up my knee again to fix what broke all those years ago in rehab from my knee replacements.

Dave is seeing his primary physician right now. I wonder what appointments he will bring home?




As I age my fingers appear to be getting more stupid. This becomes evident as I read my own writings. This leads me to the urge to write this preface to my future blogs:

“There are no errors in this writing. If you find what appears to you to be a mistake in spelling, punctuation, or grammar be assured it was intentionally put there so there is no need to notify the author of your find.”

Of course, if I do that my fingers’ stupidity will stay out there for all the world to continue reading. Is that what they really want? I’d ask them but I don’t trust their answer to make sense.



No Goal

We used to be soccer fans. We even had season tickets to the Minnesota Kicks professional soccer team. In soccer one of the most exciting things is a free kick. One guy gets to kick the ball towards the net while the opposing team’s goalie tries to guess which way to jump to block the ball. From the sidelines, it is sometimes hard to see if the ball went into the net or not. So we wait for the call: goal or no goal?

In life we were taught to set goals and to make specific plans for reaching those goals. I was never very good at this. I always wanted to do whatever I felt like doing not what I “should” be doing.

Now we are retired and traveling across the USA. Our friends say we write our goals in chalk so they can easily be changed. Others write theirs in Jell-O since the plans wriggle around so much, sometimes melting altogether.

I’m still making lots of plans that I’m not very good at following.

Today, I read a blog that said in effect, “Good for me.”

Check it out:



Another day, another year

Our communication styles have certainly changed over the years.

Back when our daughter was young she and I used to read rebus stories together. You know, the ones where pictures substitute for some of the words. One year we found a greeting card that had a picture of a hippopotamus, a bluebird, and two female sheep. It tickled us so much we’ve been using that greeting ever since.

So today I got a text message from her that said, “Hippo birdie two ewes.”

And I got an email from my Dad to let me know he is thinking of me today.

And I got a card from a weight loss program reminding me they would love for me to spend lots of money letting them help me live a healthier life.

Instead, I’m reminding myself my diabetic education team is asking for “progress, not perfection” as we plan to go to my favorite steakhouse for dinner. Yes, I could start with a tossed salad instead of Minnesota wild rice soup, but how often do I get to eat wild rice soup?

And I’m bringing a cooler with us to put my leftovers in because we are going from the restaurant to a model railroad operating session where we will spend the evening with friends we have known for many years doing something fun.

Today is a good day.

