Alexa asked what our motorhome looks like with the slides in. It looks like this.
The chairs are strapped to the table for moving but it’s a quick release buckle so we can use the table easily at rest stops. Dave’s bag and the table leaf are seatbelted to the couch. The other things there are soft enough to not kill us should we ever roll the motorhome. The footstool wedges into the recliner. The white spot on the counter is a paper towel we put there to catch drips from the faucet while moving. It’s amazing how much water sits in that goose neck faucet.
I can negotiate the aisle to the bathroom with all the slides in.
The bathroom itself is not on a slide so only opening the big slide increases the space here.
Here’s the bedroom packed for moving.
It’s far enough away to not worry about these things flying up front in case of an accident and they sink into the memory foam topper enough to stay put in any lesser stop. To sleep with the slides in we’d have to unpack the bed then Dave would have to climb over me since there is no room to walk around the bed. So far, we’ve always been able to open at least one bedroom slide which let’s him walk to his side of the bed but not put the chair there we usually sit on to dress. That’s me in the mirrored closet door showing you how “spacious” the aisle is. I quickly learned not to leave my jacket in the closet when preparing for travel.
If I unpack my footstool and sit in my recliner Dave has to step over my feet. Plus, I have to point my feet into the space one side or the other of the counter. With one slide open I don’t have to point my feet there but Dave still has to step over me.
Here’s what the table looks like in three positions: closed all the way for moving, opened enough for lunch on the road, and opened enough to insert the leaf when all the slides are opened.
Can we live in here with all the slides closed? If we have to do so. We made sure I could get to everything (except clothes) with the slides in before we bought this RV. But, I sure hope we never actually have to do so.