Heart Attack Grill

After a couple days sitting still doing nothing we needed a do everything day. We dumped and filled our tanks, traded my paperback books, bought groceries, did laundry, bought a new mouse for my computer, returned that mouse, bought a different one at a different store, and ate lunch at the Heart Attack Grill.


The Heart Attack Grill sells the experience more than the food.


Here’s the menu:

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Each of those hamburger patties is 1/2 pound of meat. They also sell “Flatliner Fries” which are cooked in lard. The fries are serve yourself and the quantity is unlimited. Your choice of beverages are: Full-sugar Coke, Pabst, Coors, or water all of which are served in the bottle with no glass. There’s nothing “Lite” or “Diet” served at the Heart Attack Grill.

The experience begins as soon as you pick which counter to sit at. The “nurse” serving your section comes around with a hospital gown for you to wear (Fortunately, you get to wear them over your clothes here.) and ends with the “nurse” presenting you with a list of the “procedures” you had and the bill for them.


It cost us $25 plus tip for two Single Bypasses and two of those tall bottles of Coke. We were also tagged with hospital type wrist tags that said we each had a bypass at the Heart Attack Grill. If you have a quadruple bypass you get to ride to your car in a wheelchair. If you weigh over 350 pounds you get to eat free.

It was one of those once in a lifetime is enough experiences but I highly recommend anyone do it once.



Changing Gears

As much as we have enjoyed traveling in our View the last year and a half it has not been good for my health. The galley cannot be modified to let me do my own cooking and Dave does not enjoy doing the cooking I need. Plus, I cannot do my exercises in the limited space we have. Now that I have been diagnosed with diabetes, those thing are of increasing importance. So, as many of you have already guessed, we are shopping for a bigger RV.

Yes, that’s why we are thinking of buying a CR-V. A bigger RV wouldn’t let us go the places we go now so we’ll need a runabout.

Yes, that’s also why we spent so much time in Houston. We picked out a Winnebago Vectra that appeared to be designed specifically for the way we live and spent much time negotiating factors relating to it. Unfortunately, the one we couldn’t negotiate was a potential engine recall that would have left us homeless if the incorrectly machined part failed. With a nearly 1 in 20 chance of that happening, I just couldn’t persuade myself to take that risk.

So, next week we are going to California to look at a different RV we think might work for us. Keep your fingers crossed.



Sunset on Quartzsite


We’ve been at La Posa South LTV near Quartzsite, Arizona for a week and a half. We met members of the View/Navion Owners Group. We reunited with Escapee Class of ’08 members. We made new friends with Escapee Class of ’09 members. We ate at local restaurants with groups of 17-19 people. We experienced a storm that broke a record held for 104 years. We sat around many campfires and told many stories–most of them mostly true. But now it is over for another year and we are the last of our group to move on.  All good things come to an end. I wonder which of our many friends we’ll see next and where we’ll be then?



Winter Weardown

I need a January thaw. When we lived in Minnesota and were weary of the short days and lousy weather the January thaw would come along and perk us all up for a few days.

Instead of a January thaw we got the desert storm which pinned us all in our RVs for a few days. I want to go OUT!

So today we are going to Parker, Arizona, to shop at Walmart and to buy propane. Wheee! Maybe we’ll go look at bigger RVs so the next time we get pinned inside we’ll at least have room to invite friends over to play games or something.



Desert Storm

We are experiencing our first winter storm in the Arizona desert. It has multiple facets. The storm Al & Nancy, http://travelswithotto.blogspot.com/, described on Jan 20th was fierce.  The one we are getting here now is just rain but it has been going all night and all day so I would describe it as relentless.

Fierce and relentless–sounds like our attack of Iraq, doesn’t it? Do you suppose whoever named that attack used to live in Arizona?

