Water Challenges

We are camped in La Posa South Long Term Visitor Area just south of Quartzsite, Arizona. This is where thousands of RVers gather every January to meet up with friends and, maybe, visit the big tent RV show.

This year the water pump at La Posa South broke just as the mobs arrived. That means no one here can fill the water tanks in our RVs until the new pump arrives and gets installed. This, of course, also happened at the beginning of a three-day holiday weekend so the pump couldn’t be delivered on Monday. Since we arrived on Saturday with a full fresh water holding tank we are still OK but we are using every water conservation method we know in hopes of not having to drive through the mobs into town to get water.

Friends who were already here are finding this more challenging that we are. Jeri & Terry actually drove into town where they rented showers in a semi truck. Now they have a new story to tell and I’m looking forward to hearing the details.

In the meantime, it has begun raining here in the desert! The water is on the wrong side of our RV–the outside! What do we have we can use to catch the rain and bring it inside?



Be ‘ware

Back in the ’60s my Mom worked with a woman who would make statements like: “Today you will see men wearing hats.” Or, “today you will see pregnant women.” Or, “Today you will see people wearing red.”

And Mom would see men wearing hats or pregnant women or people wearing red. Not that more men were wearing hats or more women were pregnant or more people were wearing red. It wasn’t even that Mom was actually SEEING more of them. It’s just that when she saw them, Mom was more aware of seeing them.

So the other day the author of a blog I read every day, which you can check out at http://gypsyjournal.net/blog/, wrote that driving I-10 through west Texas was so boring the only thing to do was count roadkill.

So today we drove I-10 through west Texas and guess what we were more aware of seeing.

Gee, thanks, Nick.



Houston Space Center

The Houston Space Center is an amazing place! Not cheap at $20 per adult but we enjoyed the four hours we spent there and we didn’t even take the 90 minute tram tour–too cold plus we didn’t go early enough to do it all which won’t surprise any of you who know me.

I took lots of pictures for you but somehow they got lost between the camera and my computer.

So the main thing I have to report is that living in space is a lot like living in an RV in that you you don’t have a lot of extra space in your living quarters and you have to conserve everything except personal energy. If you conserve too much personal energy you become unhealthy as my doctor keeps telling me. Astronauts have to work out a minimum of 2 hours a day just to maintain body mass. I’d like to lose some body mass but not the type they lose. I also wouldn’t like to have to strap myself to the toilet then turn on the vacuum to use it. Eeuw.

At least Dave safely landed the lunar shuttle. That’s why I let him drive our RV.




At the end of one year and the beginning of a new one lots of businesses take a physical inventory. They count what they have in stock and decide which things to restock, which ones to discontinue, and which new stock to add.

RVers take physical inventory when they start to worry about whether or not they’ve added too many things to the weight capacity of their RVs or discover they’ve acquired so many things they can’t find them among the clutter.

Most of us take a financial inventory at the end of the year in preparation for filing taxes. We decide which investments to continue and which ones to change. This is also when we review our budget and decide what changes to make to it for the next year.

Some of us also take a health inventory which results in making New Year’s Resolutions to eat better, get more exercise, etc.

How many of us, though, take an emotional inventory? Are the things we do in line with what we say we value? What do we need to do more of? Or less of?

Is is inventory time?



Changing Gears

I have been hinting that we have been thinking of changing gears. We have driven the scenic routes we most wanted to drive. While focusing on that we have passed by many inviting places. Now we think it is time to change gears so we can see each place we visit in more depth.

To do that, we need to be able to park for a week to a month in each place we visit while still being able to get around to the sites in each area. That means it is time to buy a toad.

A toad is what RVers call a car that is towed behind a motorhome. Dave and I have been discussing toads pretty much since we decided to go fulltime. We decided not to buy one before we drove the scenic routs on our list as pulling a toad would limit our flexibility during those excursions. But now appears to be the time.

Next question, what toad? We’d like one we can put the Segway inside to facilitate my mobility at sites we visit. Dave would like one he can drive on forest roads. It needs to be one that can be pulled 4-wheels down since we don’t want to have to deal with a tow dolly or trailer.

The best combination of those things appears to be a Honda CR-V all wheel drive.


We can pull that behind our Winnebago View but it puts us pretty close to maximum combined vehicle weight. Will we do it? Stay tuned for further details.

