Natchez Trace, Part 3

We’ve had some lousy internet so I’ve a bit of catching up to do. We’ll start today’s posts at the Tenn-Tom Waterway.

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Look carefully and you’ll see LOTS of turtles on the logs in the water.

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To finish this batch of pictures here’s some of our neighbors in the Jeff Busby campground on the Natchez Trace to help you make the transition from that time to this.

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Natchez Trace, Part 2

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Buzzard Roost Spring & Chickasaw Levi Colbert’s nearby stand:

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That’s all we saw on day two because we detoured off the Trace to WalMart in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Then we stopped early at Tishomingo State Park because it is supposed to rain for the next three days so we wanted to be somewhere with hookups so we could do lots of computer stuff without having to run the generator. So for a discounted $13 a night we are parked on a concrete pad with water and electricity and across the road from a laundry. We have a super fast internet connection but neither cell phone works. Weird. And the sun is shining brilliantly.



Natchez Trace

The Natchez Trace does a good job of interpreting itself so I’m going to let it do it.

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So there you have it. One day on the Natchez Trace. We are now in the Meriwether Lewis campground. No hookups, no fees, no registration:  pick any spot and stay a night or two or a week or two.



Done with Sprint

Or, I should say, Sprint is done with us. Here’s the story.

About a year and a half ago, when we were preparing to sell our house and go fulltime RVing, we had to decide what to do about getting a reliable internet connection. One of the discussion groups we participate in has a guy whose screen name is EVDO Alex. He works for the 3G store. I don’t understand those terms but I know that means Alex knows a lot about wireless stuff–and how it relates to RVing.

So Dave contacted EVDO Alex and asked what we should do. We already knew most fulltime RVers use Verizon for their data connections so we expected to hear that recommended. Wrong. At that time Sprint had a sharing agreement with Alltel which gave Sprint the best nationwide coverage. So we bought a Sprint aircard with a two year contract.

Guess what? Verizon is buying Alltel. And Sprint doesn’t really understand fulltiming.

So we got a letter in our most recent batch of mail telling us Sprint doesn’t like how much time we spend roaming on other networks. So they are cancelling our two year contract without charging us the early out fees. Aren’t they nice?

So we now have a Verizon aircard  I wonder how long we’ll be able to use it?



ps. Anyone living in Sprint territory in need of an aircard?