Fun to read

I wouldn’t wear any of these shirts out in public but I sure enjoy reading them:,12954845,12948449,12941376,12941374,12945717&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImLyE1OHD9QIVhKgBCh0nPQd2EAEYASAAEgJgs_D_BwE




Have you played Wordle yet?

It’s like the game Mastermind if you remember it except Wordle uses five letter words. You type one in and it tells you about each letter if it is the right letter in the right place, the right letter in a wrong place, or a wrong letter altogether.

When I first tried playing, I simply typed in five letters of the alphabet. It replied something like that not being a word.

Oh, it wants real words.

I could not think of one.

It took me a long time to come up with my first five letter word.

But, it was a good one.

It only took me two more turns, out of the six allowed, to guess the right word.

That felt good so I wanted to play again.


Once a day is all you get.

So, I tried using my tablet instead of my computer.

Nope. It gives everyone the same first word no matter what day you start playing.

Then every day after that it gives everyone the same word for that day.

So playing on the computer then the tablet then the phone just gave me three games of the same word. Once you know that day’s word the challenge is gone.

Now, I played this for the first time yesterday, Friday. As you know, I am a night owl so I played it the second time just after midnight and got a new word.

That was before I learned you only get one word a day. So, no new word today as I played today’s word before I realized it was already Saturday.

Man this day is a long one.

But, I now have a large vocabulary of five letter words.



Decluttering made simpler

The first things to get rid of is the phrase, “What if…?”

Once you stop wondering what would happen in the future if you didn’t have that item, it is easier to let it go.

After all, if it hasn’t happened by now, what are the odds it is going to happen in the future?

And if it did happen, how likely is it that this “irreplaceable” thing would be your answer?

Would you even know where to find that thing?

Or would you go buy a new one, anyway?



Simple wardrobe

I’ve been reading again about people simplifying their wardrobes. It reminded me of a contest I read about some time ago.

Each woman was given three grocery bags and told to bring only items that would fit in those bags. Then there would be fashion show.

The woman who won brought one bag of clothes and two bags of accessories.

Another woman I read about recently wore the same dress to work every day for a month. She simply changed accessories every day. No one noticed.

You don’t need a lot of clothes to have a changing wardrobe.

I currently have four pairs of jeans in various colors, four hoodies, and eight t-shirts. I can go forever without wearing the same outfit twice. And that’s not even changing shoes, scarves, or jewelry.



The Eyes Have It

Another night, another odd dream.

In this dream I was given an appointment to see an ophthalmologist at 85 Alcott Tower–a new building I had never been to before.

As usual Dave drove me to the appointment. We had instructions to park at the top of the ramp. As we went up I saw several people, each inserting a capsule into a pneumatic tube system. Those systems use air pressure and vacuum to move the capsules from one place to another. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen or used one but they used to be common in stores, offices, and drive-through banks.

We parked and started walking down a hallway. I saw a guy place a capsule in a tube but it didn’t go anywhere. Then a saw a person carrying a couple of capsules down a hallway. Odd.

Eventually we reached a glass door with the number 85 on it. We went through it to find a stairway that went down half a floor. Down there we found another glass door with the number 85 on it. Going through that door we found ourselves outside on a sort of balcony type walkway.

Looking left we saw a toy store with a sign saying 85 Alcott Tower. So we went there and I told the clerk I had an appointment to see an ophthalmologist at this address. Then said, “Yes, I’ll take you back.”

Then I realized the shop was only one counter deep and it only sold vision toys. I saw a kaleidoscope, an old-fashioned stereopticon, a ViewMaster, and a pair of binoculars next to a bird identification book.

So, I was in the right place it just had an odd presentation.

So what was all this about?

On a recent visit to my optometrist, she discovered I have both cataracts and glaucoma. Cataracts are a thickening of the lens in your eye that causes loss of vision but can be cured by lens replacement surgery. Glaucoma is an increase of pressure in the eye that can damage the optical nerve eventually causing blindness.

So I need to schedule cataract surgery. In the meantime, I have drops to put in my eyes every night to reduce the pressure and an appointment mid-January to see how that is working.

I wonder if that toy store sells audio books?

