
Because I have read a lot of books and watched a lot of television programs set in Great Britain I’ve known for years about the royal “we”.  It is traditional that a king or queen refers to him/herself as “we” when expressing desires.  

And , of course, everyone knows about the plural “we” when expressing desires that two or more people, including yourself, should do something.

Yesterday I learned about the singular “we”.  I’ve used it many times but I didn’t think much about it until last night’s campfire discussion by the Escapees Class of ’08 members.  The singular “we” is when you say, “We should do such and such,”  when what you mean is, “Would you, please, do that dear?”  One of the wives said something about, “We should…” and the husband answered, “Is that the singular ‘we’?”  I like it.





We’ve been six months on the road today.  Here’s where we’ve been so far.

Our major trips have been:

Wyoming for Escapade 

Idaho for family reunion

Minnesota for annual physicals

Ohio for Gypsy Gathering

Route 66 Chicago to Santa Monica for fun

Oregon for RV upgrades

Pacific Coast south to get warm

and now Southern States to evaluate potential wintering sites.

We’ve covered 14,358 miles in 20 states. Some of those miles have been fast ones and some have been slow ones but most of them have been fun ones.



Heading Inland

I started my day by trading paperback books in the library at the B & E Wayside RV Park in Florence, Oregon. I was down to one unread book so I wanted to stock up before we sit for a few days while our solar system is installed.

Then we checked out of the park and drove to the laundromat–which turned out to be just across the side street. If we’d known that we probably would have walked over yesterday. Oh, well. It is nice to be able to do all four loads at the same time.

Then we headed inland on Highway 126 towards Eugene, Oregon. This is another of those roller coaster roads that has railroad tracks on one side and a river on the other. It also has lots of asphalt patches making for a stomach challenging but beautiful ride.

In Eugene we went first to Arby’s for lunch. We bought extra sandwiches to have for lunch tomorrow while our RV is in the shop.

Then we went to REI to buy me a camp chair. We don’t do much sitting outside normally but we think we are going to the Escapees Class of ’08 graduation near Quartzsite, Arizona, next month and they are planning potlucks around the campfire so I’ll need a place to sit. Most camp chairs are too tall for me so they cut off the circulation in the backs of my legs. We found one that won’t do that as long as I sit up without slouching. We we also bought a camp stool I can use as a foot rest when I want to slouch. I can remember being taught that ladies sit with their knees together and their feet on the floor crossed at the ankles but I no longer find that comfortable and I’m now at the age where comfort trumps nearly everything else.

Then we went to WalMart to stock up on food since we’ll be sitting without transport at AM Solar for at least two nights.

We pulled into AM Solar’s facility about 4:30 p.m. Since we got there before they went home for the day, we got a quick tour of the hookups and amenities. It was nice to get connected before dark.

