The woman is a tease. She says nothing for a couple of days.
Then she give me two pieces of information then says nothing for the rest of that day.
The next day I wake up with the word “gambling” in my mind. So I get up and write that down along with the previous two pieces.
I get on the scale for my weekly weigh in and she gives me information about three men. So I write that down.
I gather stuff for my shower and she gives me two types of musical instruments with which I’m not familiar. So I google them and write them down.
I finally take my shower, where she often speaks to me, and she says nothing.
It goes on like that most of the day–every time I start to do something she gives me a bit more.
So, now it’s 9:00 pm. Do I have all the bits yet? Do I sit down and try to put it all together?
I don’t know. Do I?