Screen time

There is a company currently accepting applications for a person willing to go 24 hours with no electronic devices for a payment of $2,400. Part of the application process is to write 100 words or less about the way you use those devices. I don’t plan to apply but it did make me wonder what I do.

I own a phone, tablet, laptop computer, and TV.

On them I:

  • read books and the local newspaper’s comics
  • read and write blogs
  • play games
  • participate in a discussion forum
  • send and receive text messages
  • make and answer phone calls
  • order meals
  • buy and sell things
  • stream movies and TV series
  • check the time and weather
  • maintain a grocery shopping list
  • maintain notes on what I want to discuss with my doctor
  • write notes to remind myself of what I want to say in future blogs
  • keep a picture of Judi Dench on the cover of Vogue to show a stylist how I want my hair cut
  • use the magnifying glass, flashlight, calculator, timer, and camera.

Those things take up most of my day and it took 134 words to describe them even after massive editing. I think I need to get up and move more often. But, I doubt my ability to go 24 hours without using any digital devices. Good thing I don’t desperately need that money, right?




Spring is springing here. The ponds are starting to thaw in the nature preserve across the road from us. There is now open water. And ducks.

(click to enlarge photo)

First there were two ducks.

The next day there were more ducks.

It reminded me of when we used to gather out in the desert with RV friends. The first one to arrive would pick a spot then send the GPS coordinates to the rest of us. We would then zero in on those coordinates to have a large meetup.

I wonder if ducks do that?



Time Spent

Lately I have been working jigsaw puzzles again. I mostly do them online nowadays using this site:

This puzzle site has a timer on each puzzle. It lets you change the background color and/or tell it to only show edge pieces to start with before the timer begins. The timer only starts when you grab the first puzzle piece.

Then it measure elapsed time since you began. It doesn’t care if you are working the puzzle or off doing something else it measures the time since you began until you finish. So taking a break can make it look like you took a LONG time to work that puzzle.

What I found interesting is that when I do stay and work the puzzle from beginning to end and check the timer at the end I am not necessarily asking how long it took to work that puzzle. Sometimes I am asking how much time I managed to kill.

