Quality over quantity

That’s what many people say minimalism is about.

You must only buy quality things so they last.

But we are old. How long must things last?

When we needed to buy new furniture in 2012 we bought it all from IKEA.

Our daughter does not want to inherit our furniture even if it was, once again, the good stuff.

So why spend money on it that would be better saved to support our quality of life instead of quality of stuff?



My 10 Essentials

A blogger I read daily listed her 10 essentials the other day and I found myself wondering what mine are.

  1. What I wear: A. a long-sleeve, v-neck t-shirt usually with a hoodie. B. Crocs with wool socks if I’m going out, slippers if I’m staying home. C. glasses; never wore contacts. D. hearing aids, but only when watching TV or actually needing to be able to hear people.

2. What I listen to: silence. To me, most sounds are just noise. Dave plays his music quietly so it doesn’t bug me.

3. What I drink: Diet Dr. Pepper (one a day) and black raspberry ICE sparking water.

4. What I eat: Meat/cheese and fruit. Yes, I eat other things but those are my go to foods.

5. What I write on: My laptop mostly. Some using Notes on my phone.

6. What entertains me: My tablet–reading ebooks and playing games. Right now I am thoroughly hooked on The Sims FreePlay.

7. What inspires me: Other people’s blogs.

8. What I’d grab in a fire: My chargers! I can do nothing without my electronics.

Hmmm. That’s only eight things. I guess I’m a minimalist even in my essentials.



Can I…?

Yesterday I heard myself asking Dave, “Can I…” and suddenly I heard my father’s voice.

My father was a man of precision.

According to him, “Can I…” was asking about ability.

And “May I…” was asking for permission.

So when I tried to use “Can I…” to ask permission, Dad would respond, “I don’t know; can you?”



Clear communication

If I say to Dave, “Will you put a new box of tissues in the kitchen, please?”

He will inevitably say, “What?”

So, I tried something new yesterday.

I pointed at the bathroom where we keep extra tissues and said, “Kleenex.”

Then I pointed to the kitchen and said, “Kitchen.”

And he promptly delivered a new box of tissues to the kitchen.

I wonder if I had added the word, “Please,” if that would have been too many words.

And he would have replied, “What?”



Fight or Flight

You all know that the only responses to threat are fight or flight, right?


We think we learned these two responses from animals.

But they have others.

Have you ever seen a scared rabbit? They freeze in the hope that they will blend in so well the predator will not see them.

Have you ever been a dog roll over and present its belly to a threat? They submit so as to not look threatening in return which would escalate the threat.

So, in reality, the choices are fight, flight, freeze, or submit.

I tend to submit.

Which is why my last surgery included a procedure I did not want and wish I had not submitted to. Would you fight a person about to cut you open?

