House Warming

We were sitting quietly watching a replay of Downton Abbey when the invitation to the gathering arrived.

Quickly dressing in warm clothes we joined our neighbors in the lobbies and on the landings of our apartment building.

There was much excitement as we all waited the arrival of the most important person due to arrive that evening. Yet none of us were anxious to venture out into the very cold weather to be among the greeters.

At last the fireman arrived and turned off the alarms allowing us all to return to our quiet evening.

The rumor is that there was a small fire in the second floor elevator lobby at the far end of the building. It must have already been extinguished before the fire truck arrived, though, as it came with no lights or siren. But they have to determine the fire is fully out before they can turn off the alarms.

It never actually got warm at our end of the building. Other than the warmth we generated hurrying down the stairs in our winter coats, that is.



Driving Home, Done

We are home.

We left the motel this morning with the snow on the ground that fell yesterday and we had snow on the ground all the rest of the way home but none fell directly on us as we traveled.

But, the high temperature we saw today was 7°. Nothing like the cold I complained of in Arizona.

So cold here, we didn’t bring in much more from the van than we’ve been bringing into motels along the way.

But the forecast is for much warmer here tomorrow so the unpacking will get done.

And we will retrieve our car from the airport where Dave left it nearly two weeks ago.

And we will figure out where we are going to park the van over the winter.

And we will relearn how to live together.

And life will be good.



Driving Home, New Year’s Day

We are in Kearney, Missouri.

That means we could drive all the way home today.

In wind and snow and cold.

Or we could wait until tomorrow and just have cold.

Or we could wait for the next day and have warmth. And wind.

As much as we’d like to be home now, Dave has just gone down to the motel’s desk to see if we can extend another night.

Ah, the joys of traveling in winter.



Driving Home Day 3


Driving that is.

Below you can see the weather forecasts for Abilene, where we stayed last night, Denton, which we planned to pass through today, and Oklahoma City where we planned to stay on the far side of tonight.

Oklahoma City Denton AbileneAbileneAbilene Denton Oklahoma City

Since our vehicle is taller than it is wide, driving in 30 mph wind gusts is not something I want to experience. I can barely handle gusts up to 20 mph. So we will stay a second night in Abilene.

Happy 47th anniversary to us.



Driving home day 1

We left the motel and headed east on I-10. I promptly fell asleep.

We stopped at a rest area for a break then headed east on I-10. I promptly fell asleep.

We stopped for lunch then headed east on I-10. I promptly fell asleep.

We stopped for fuel and a quick break then headed east on I-10. I worked at staying awake.

How did I sleep that night? As well as I usually do.

Do you think my lack of ability to cope may be because I’ve not been getting enough sleep?

