Two weeks

Two weeks appears to be the time I can live in my RV between grocery trips. I got down to four entrees before I decided I really did have to go to the grocery store.

Now you may remember that I am traveling without a car. My van, which is also my house, is the only vehicle I have with me. So to go anywhere requires packing up the house.

For those of you who have never packed a house for travel that means:

1. Dumping my black and grey tanks.

2. Filling my fresh water tank.

3. Bringing in the hoses used to do those two tasks along with my electrical cord.

4. Removing all temporary window coverings.

5. Stashing everything that is loose. Remembering to get my doormat while I am at it.

6. Locking all cupboards and putting bungie cords around everything not in a cupboard.

7. Tying closed the garbage bag so it doesn’t deposit its contents in undesirable places while driving.

8. Picking a destination

9. Setting my GPS to direct me to my desired destination.

10. Checking to see that my mirrors are still aligned and that I have enough fuel in the tank.

11. Walking around the outside of the rig to be sure I didn’t forget anything.

and 12. Walking around the inside of the rig to be sure I didn’t forget anything.

Now, I’m ready to go to the grocery store.

Or anyplace else I decide to go.

It seemed a waste to make all that effort just to go to the grocery store and back.

So, I decided to go to Arizona.



Christmas thoughts

I wrote this as a response to Captain Fritter’s blog then decided I needed to share it here:

Christmas is not supposed to be a consumer holiday. If you are not celebrating the birth of Jesus what are you celebrating? If you are celebrating the birth of Jesus, what would he think about your style of celebrating? I think Jesus would encourage you to give as gifts only those things you already own–like your second coat. Jesus was a minimalist.



ps. One of my commenters sent a comment that somehow went into moderator limbo but I got a copy of it in email. It included this very appropriate link:

My response to that cartoon is that, if you follow that advice, you may indeed end in poverty.

First Solo Thanksgiving

My first no-family Thanksgiving ever. I’ve always had at least Dave around and we’ve always celebrated with food. Those of you who know me well know I have some hermit tendencies. So without even Dave here this Thanksgiving what are the odds I would stay home alone? They were high.

Until my next door neighbor pushed me to sign up for the Thanksgiving potluck here at Rainbow’s End. The way it works is this: you sign up to join a table of ten people for a semi-potluck meal. You pay $2.50 for the catered turkey and gravy then everyone at your table donates the side dishes. I offered to bring deviled eggs because that’s all I had on hand that would provide ten servings.

So, yesterday I boiled eggs and today I made mayonnaise and deviled the eggs. At the appointed time my neighbor picked me up and we went to dinner.

It’s hard to remember to take pictures at gatherings so I only have these two to offer you. One is our table before we ate all the food and the other is part of the larger group.


We had ten tables with 10-12 people at every table. Quite a large Escapee family gathering. Good food and good conversations. What else could a person want? Besides real family?

Leftovers? Well, I do have one deviled egg left. And there will be another potluck tomorrow of all the leftovers from this one. I think I’ll eat my egg tonight, though. I can bring something else tomorrow if I decide to go to that one, too. After all, tomorrow’s meal doesn’t require me to bring enough to serve ten people, right?



I’m here

I didn’t realize until people started asking me that I never told you guys that I did make it safely to Rainbow’s End in Livingston, Texas. I’ve been here long enough to make new friends and visit the activity center a couple of times.  I don’t know how long I’ll stay here but it will be at least through Thursday since I signed up to join a table for Thanksgiving dinner. I’m to bring deviled eggs and pay $2.50 for my share of the turkey and gravy then I get to eat my share of what my table mates brings. Sounds like a deal to me.

I also had my RV weighed. They have a program here that uses portable scales to weigh all four corners of your rig. Then they teach you how to compare those numbers to the manufacturer’s maximum weight ratings. I am under the maximum for each axel and under the gross vehicle weight. Yay!

They also teach you how to read your tire information to figure out how much air you should be carrying to support your load. And to determine how old your tires are so you can determine when you need to replace them. RV tires need to be replaced every five to seven years no matter how many miles you have, or haven’t, driven. My tires were manufactured in week 17 of 2012 so I’m good to go for a long time.

Hope you all have a good Thanksgiving. I know I have a lot to be thankful for this year.



First day solo on the road

You already know how my first day started–with the fuel challenge. I am happy to report it got better after that.

As I was approaching Brenham, Texas, I need to stop somewhere to check my route. So I pulled in behind another McDonalds where I promptly took a nap. Boy, I needed that.

Then I decided to go to WalMart to finish buying the groceries I couldn’t carry on my Scoot on my previous trip. Good thing I stopped where I did to check that out–I needed to turn a different direction at the very next corner.

At WalMart I lucked into one of the van-sized handicapped parking spaces right across from the entrance. That meant I could walk into the store then use one of their carts for  shopping. I stocked up on heavy and bulky items.

Then it was time to decide whether to stay there for the night or not. It was only 3:30. I had two or more hours until dark. Research showed me Conroe, Texas, was about 60 minutes away. In Conroe I could eat supper at Cracker Barrel then stay there for the night. I like Cracker Barrel food. And their overnight spots are not as popular as WalMart which makes them quieter. So, I decided to go on.

It took me two hours to drive those miles. At one point I got stuck behind a house being moved. Yes, I was driving my house, too, but mine doesn’t require both lanes when going through a town and I can drive the speed limit.

But I did pull into Cracker Barrel just before dark. And it was a quiet night. And a truck arrived to make a delivery just as I was headed in for breakfast so the manager on duty was there to give me a cheerful good morning. Good way to start my second day on the road.

