It has now been a week since we made our shopping trip to the local co-op. Time to go again. But first, some meal planning.
I started by going to where I’ve signed up to try their meal planning system. We picked out five dinners we think we would be willing to cook and eat. You then tell the app how many people you are cooking for and it calculates printable recipes and a shopping list. I am modifying a couple of dishes slightly so I will make those changes to their list then add the items to my regular shopping list. Plus, I will add the ingredients for chili and meatloaf burgers since those are our favorite foods right now. Plus some breakfast and lunch items. This time I will also get some nuts for snacking. I miss nuts.
The meal planning also included looking at what we have left from last week. The result of that is I ate two chicken thighs for breakfast and picked one of Wellness Mama’s recipes that can use the rest of the shredded carrots and zucchini we still have. We will eat the beef and broccoli for lunch then be ready for our shopping trip. Things we don’t buy at the co-op, like paper goods, will then be added to our weekly on-line shopping list for order later today and delivery tomorrow. Then we’ll be ready for week two of our Whole 30.
Hang on, here we go again.
We not only didn’t go again, we made a 180 degree turn. We have to go to Texas. Leaving tomorrow morning and driving. We’ll be gone at least a week. Which means our Whole 30 needs to be put on hold. Which is too bad in more than one way. One of the biggest hits is that my body appears to have finally learned to burn fat instead of sugar.
How do I know? I postponed lunch for several hours without turning into a whiny two-year old screaming, “Feed me now!” That was wonderful! The question now becomes, what are we going to eat on the road?