Whole 30, Day 6

It has now been a week since we made our shopping trip to the local co-op. Time to go again. But first, some meal planning.

I started by going to WellnessMama.com where I’ve signed up to try their meal planning system. We picked out five dinners we think we would be willing to cook and eat. You then tell the app how many people you are cooking for and it calculates printable recipes and a shopping list. I am modifying a couple of dishes slightly so I will make those changes to their list then add the items to my regular shopping list. Plus, I will add the ingredients for chili and meatloaf burgers since those are our favorite foods right now. Plus some breakfast and lunch items. This time I will also get some nuts for snacking. I miss nuts.

The meal planning also included looking at what we have left from last week. The result of that is I ate two chicken thighs for breakfast and picked one of Wellness Mama’s recipes that can use the rest of the shredded carrots and zucchini we still have. We will eat the beef and broccoli for lunch then be ready for our shopping trip. Things we don’t buy at the co-op, like paper goods, will then be added to our weekly on-line shopping list for order later today and delivery tomorrow. Then we’ll be ready for week two of our Whole 30.

Hang on, here we go again.


We not only didn’t go again, we made a 180 degree turn. We have to go to Texas. Leaving tomorrow morning and driving. We’ll be gone at least a week. Which means our Whole 30 needs to be put on hold. Which is too bad in more than one way. One of the biggest hits is that my body appears to have finally learned to burn fat instead of sugar.

How do I know? I postponed lunch for several hours without turning into a whiny two-year old screaming, “Feed me now!” That was wonderful! The question now becomes, what are we going to eat on the road?



Whole 30, Day 5

This morning was different. I got up shortly after 9 am and Dave was still sleeping. That usually means he had an interrupted night but, in this case, it might just mean the Whole 30 side effects are beginning to hit him. He’s going without caffeine for the first time in a long time. He has gotten off it before but winds up with headaches until his body adjusts and headaches often send him to bed.

The result of this, though, is we both had breakfast for breakfast today. We had egg salad. That was the last of that batch so we’ll probably be eating some other type of egg tomorrow. Dave prefers scrambled but I also like over-easy so what we do may depend on who gets up when tomorrow morning.

For lunch Dave is making meatloaf burgers again. This time with broccoli and applesauce for side dishes.

Then I need to peel and chop carrots for the roasted carrots that go with the last of the chicken thighs we baked earlier.


One of the things I like about this way of eating is having a variety of options available. After lunch, instead of peeling and chopping carrots I decided to dice the leftover steak and make an oriental marinade for it to go with today’s leftover broccoli to make beef and broccoli.

I know. I know. Most of you would have still peeled and chopped the carrots but my back is complaining about last night’s dead hang from the pull up bar so I’m going to go sit in the recliner instead.

That doesn’t mean I’m goofing off; it means I’ll be doing some more reading that will help me continue to get healthy. I have a lot more study to do. I haven’t owned this many physical books since we bought my first eReader but I’m learning a lot. Hopefully, enough that I can leave most of the books here in the apartment when I move into my RV.


When supper time came, we changed our minds again. We ate the leftover Pakistani Kima to give the steak longer time to marinate. We had bananas for desert. Have to keep my potassium up, you know.



Whole 30, Day 4

Today’s support newsletter was mostly about cravings–how to decide what you really need and what to do about it. I seem to be getting a handle on that one.

My best technique so far is to drink water then wait to see if it was really thirst instead of hunger. Often the combination of something in the stomach and the distraction that happens while waiting is enough to avoid eating.

But my biggest problem is Netflix. Dave really enjoys watching something pretty much every evening. He usually picks something I will enjoy too. But, I am in the habit of eating while watching TV/movies. For an hour or two. Yes, I mean eating for an hour or two. My standard foods have been homemade trail mix and Jack Link’s steak nuggets. Those come in small enough pieces or take enough chewing that I can drag them out a long time. But, neither one is Whole 30 compliant. Yes, I could buy ingredients for my trail mix that would be compliant but you still aren’t supposed to eat as much of those ingredients as I do. And, yes you can buy Whole 30 compliant jerky but that’s jerky not steak nuggets–different taste and different texture.

So, I found a new snack that comes in lots of little pieces. Coconut flakes. I bought mine at the co-op so I know there are no added ingredients. And, not knowing any better, we put them in a paper bag and put them in the cupboard. When I remembered we had them, I found the bag had leached a lot of the oils out of the coconut. So I dumped them in a Tupperware bowl, put the lid on it, and sat it by my chair. When evening came, there it was just waiting for my to sit down and begin munching. By taking only one flake at a time then chewing it thoroughly I ate for more than an hour which may have totaled two tablespoons worth of coconut. Score! And they were chewy enough to make my jaw too tired to chew anything else. Double score!

My other go-to snack is olives which helps with my salt cravings and is Whole 30 approved as a source of good fats. I usually eat 6 of the large, greens ones stuffed with pimento. I learned that snack when Weight Watchers was my primary focus. Six olives is only 1 Points Plus and, when nibbled slowly, is enough to make you feel like you actually ate something.

Techniques. For me, this program is all about learning new techniques of eating so as to be healthier. So far, I have Mel’s cook-up and Meal Map and my snack needs pretty well down.

Oh, the Meal Map? That says any meal is easy. You just serve one portion of protein with lots of vegetables, some healthful fat and seasonings and you have a meal. You all do this you just might not realize you do it. Sauté onion in butter, adding ground beef, then tomatoes and tomato sauce with chili powder makes…? I’m learning all kinds of tasty combinations. Which is good because I like variety in my meals.

Breakfast was chili.

Lunch was Pakistani kimi which we liked a LOT more than we thought we would. No curry powder in ours, though.

Snacks were coconut flakes and olives.

Supper is about to be egg salad.

Then reading until I wind down enough to sleep.




Dinner’s Ready

How long does it take you to make dinner? Does it sound to you like we are spending a lot of our time cooking? We’re really not. For most of the pre-cooking we do, the time is measured in minutes not hours. And we cook extras each time so many of our meals are just get something from the frig and heat it or eat it cold.

Take tonight’s supper. I just peeled and chopped a pre-cooked sweet potato and stirred that into some leftover green beans. Later I will add pre-cooked ground beef, half a can of tomatoes and some spices. That will then get heated in the microwave and served. This is my version of Wellness Mama’s Pakistani Kimi.  http://wellnessmama.com/5228/pakistani-kima/

All that takes less time to get food on our table than any food we can get locally and we live within a mile of McDonald’s, Red Robin, Broadway Pizza, Wendy’s, Arby’s, Burger King, Perkins, Chili’s, DQ, LeAnn Chin, Subway, Jimmy John’s, Davanni’s, and two sports bars that keep changing their names.

Fast food? It’s in our kitchen.



Whole 30, Day 3

I slept even later this morning so I was relieved to read in today’s support newsletter that this is the day you are most likely to need extra sleep. It even talked about how to take the best nap this afternoon. See, it’s not just me being lazy. 🙂

Because I slept so late Dave was ready for lunch when I was ready for breakfast. This is not new territory for us. I had dinner for breakfast today. We had steak, baked sweet potato, and green beans.

The steak was our first grass-fed steak. The Primal/Paleo/Whole 30 folks are big on pastured/free-range meats and poultry. No corn-fed beef if you can get grass-fed. Now I know for sure that cattle free to wander develop stronger muscles than those kept penned up; the steak could have used some tenderizer. But it was good.

After that meal we spent a little time preparing for future meals. Dave boiled and peeled a dozen eggs. I chopped pre-cooked turkey thighs and stirred them with Paleo mayo and seasonings into some of the carrots and zucchini I shredded yesterday to make chicken salad. Having a plan for meals and doing the prep work to make it easy to eat when you get hungry is an important part of sticking to a strict eating plan. We are doing it right so far.

Lunch was the chicken salad and a banana.

Part of the afternoon was spent on more food prep with Dave pre-cooking 2 pounds of ground beef and me making the egg salad.

Supper for me was a salmon Grab-it and applesauce. A Grab-it is where I mix a can of tuna or salmon with an egg and some spices in a greased Corning Grab-it bowl then microwave it for 3 minutes. If you don’t have a Grab-it you can use a Corning cereal bowl but I like having the Grab-it’s handle to make mixing and cooking easier.

Shortly I will be headed off to bed. No, I didn’t make it by midnight but I have no one but myself to blame this time because Dave went to bed early as he’s getting up early tomorrow to go operating again. I wonder if I will sleep in again or get up and do tons of stuff before Dave gets home?

