As you may have guessed, I sometimes have some weird dreams. Sometimes they seem to make sense. This morning I woke up having just finished a dream in which I was a student and the master (Think Yoda or The Karate Kid) was explaining to me, “Start when you are ready. Do what you do. Stop when you are done.”
Does that make sense? Of course it does. Let’s think about it.
“Start when you are ready.” How often have we started a project because we thought we should rather than because we were ready to do so? How did that work out? I’d guess not well. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until you can gather the right tools? And the right motivation? Do we sometimes have to declare ourselves ready just to get started? If so is that OK?
“Do what you do.” How often have we tried to do what someone else thought we should do? How often have we tried to imitate someone else’s perceived success? Wouldn’t it be better to recognize our own talents and develop them? Let’s try being ourselves and see if that works better for us.
“Stop when you are done.” That seems so obvious, but is it? How do you know when you are done? Is perfection required? Or can we stop at good enough? How do we decide when it is right to stop? Instead of just going on and on would it be better to pick a point at which we just stop?
Start, do, stop. I wonder if I can?