More Keys

On U.S. Hwy 1 heading down into the Florida Keys the concrete barriers are turquoise. They become plain concrete later on, though. Probably because the turquoise barriers would not show up as well against the turquoise water of the ocean and bays.


Also, as we approached the Keys the warning sign said crocodiles instead of the alligators we’ve become used to seeing. Your guess is probably better than mine as to why that should be so.

As we entered Key Largo one of the first things I saw was a sign identifying a building as a hurricane shelter. Sure glad it’s not that season now but just in cast there is a rogue one we’ll know where to go.

The next sign I noticed was a place advertising, “tie downs, roof overs, storm shutters.”

And the schools team is the hurricanes.

Do you think they are proud of living in the path of hurricanes?

Pop’s motel had a sign saying, “Wish you were here.” I bet they do. It’s what I call shoulder season now–most of the snowbirds have left and the summer vacationers aren’t due for a few months yet. That makes it a good time for us. The mobs are gone but the weather is nice.

This bridge is called seven mile bridge. If you look closely at the horizon to the left of the bridge you can see land.


The keys have their own deer. The Key Deer we slowed for as it crossed the road ahead of us was very small. I don’t know if they only get that large because we only saw the one.

We drove over a boat. It’s OK. We were on a bridge over a causeway it was transiting.

Dave got a kick out of the billboard that said, “Prevent scurvy. Eat Key Lime Pie.”

Whoever is in charge of bridge construction here has been hard at it. We drove on lots of bridges that had old ones still standing along side. Instead of spending money to tear them down they take out a section at each end to keep people off them.


Or, if the bridge is not too unsafe they leave parts of them as fishing piers or walking paths. Or, in this case it is closed to all vehicles except, apparently, ones for this island. They still have their access ramp and I saw one very small truck near their end of the bridge.


We camped two nights at Long Key State Park in an attempt to catch up with ourselves. We had the ocean right behind us, Hwy 1 not far in front of us, and Florida Bay on the other side of the highway. We had really good breezes here which made me not mind the heat of the day so much. Here’s how close the ocean is to our campsite:

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And here’s a little fellow that came to visit.  You can see he’s shy; he ran away when Dave went out.  So it’s good we got his picture through our window before he did.

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I saw a billboard advertising Rapala fishing lures. It said, “More hits than Google.” I doubt that’s true but it’s a good line.

There were lots of people along U.S. Hwy 1 waiting for the bus to come. I wondered how long they would have to wait since the clerk at Boyd’s, when we asked about taking the bus to Mallory Square, said something along the lines of, “You’re in the Keys. The bus will come when the driver is ready to bring it.”

We saw some kids about middle school age walking home from school. I looked at their backpacks and found myself thinking, “The girls have their whole lives in those packs. The boys have today’s assignment.”

As we were crossing a bridge I saw a floating billboard telling boaters they are coming near a tiki bar. And that, my friends, is a fine example of the Florida Keys.




We blew our budget big time in Key West, Florida. We just kept telling ourselves this was a once in a lifetime visit as we spent more and more money.

It started with the campground. We went to Boyd’s Campground. No, I’m not related to any of these Boyd’s. Perhaps if I was they would not have charged us $111 to camp one night. My stepmother let us camp in her driveway for free. Boyd’s was a nice enough place but only their location made it worth anywhere near that much money. It turns out if we had waited three more days to come here we would have hit their off-season discount. No, you don’t want to know what it would have cost then.

Next, we asked the campground clerk about driving into town. She marked a map showing us that we couldn’t drive anywhere near where we wanted to go in our RV. No vehicles over 21 feet are allowed in Old Town (ours is 24 feet) and the streets are too narrow to let us meet oncoming traffic in an RV as wide as ours. We had heard from friends who have an RV like ours that they were told, if they parked theirs, it would be towed away. They were told, “Yes, you can park here. But we will tow it if you do.”

So we did some research into various modes of transportation and decided the best thing to do would be rent a car from Enterprise and have them bring it to the campground this afternoon and we would bring it back in the morning. They said, “Fine. That’ll be $75.” Ouch! Not having our own insurance that covers rental cars sure hurts. But we reminded ourselves–once in a lifetime.  So they brought us a car and we drove into town with only two stops on our agenda.

The first was the southern most point in the continental U.S.


This is undoubtedly the closest I will ever get to my birth place. My Dad was in the navy stationed in Cuba when I was born there. I was only three months old when we came home and none of us have ever been back.

Our second stop was, of course, Mallory Square for their famous sunset celebration. Only $12 to park for three hours there.


We went a couple of hours before sunset to get a good spot since we’ve been told thousands of people come out for this. There was a cruise ship parked between the square and the sunset so we walked further south and found the Bistro. They have tables with umbrellas on the dock so we decide we’d have a leisurely dinner thus claiming comfortable seats for the wait until sunset. We did not know that the seating area on one side of the walkway had a different menu from the one on the other side so we choose the expensive one because it had better shade. Of course the shade moved as we sat there so we wound up in the sun again. Then, because we had lots of time to kill we had a four course dinner:  appetizer, salad, main course, and desert. Oh, yes, and Dave had wine. $125. At least I have some steak leftover. And Dave said their key lime pie was not bitter.

While eating we also watched some free-lance entertainers who hang out in the area each evening making money off the sunset watchers. There was one entertainer who didn’t understand crowds, though. He yelled and blew a whistle trying to drum up an audience. Not enough people came so he didn’t perform. Wrong. You start performing to draw a crowd. Who’s going to stand around and watch him blow his whistle when there’s all those other performers actually doing something?

And we watched boats.


Some of the people in the boats were also there to watch the sunset. The crowd got very unhappy whenever a boat passed between us and the sun. But Dave managed to take enough pictures of the sun setting into the ocean without boats blocking the view to satisfy those of us who have always lived inland.

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And I got to see the green flash. For me, a once in a lifetime event.



For the birds

We were chased out of Midway Campground of the Big Cyprus National Preserve by a bird. We were too close to Mr & Mrs Cardinal’s tree this morning so Mr Cardinal started attacking our side window. We assumed he was seeing his reflection in our window so he thought was protecting Mrs Cardinal from a rival.

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Fearing the damage he might do himself we quickly packed up and moved down a couple of sites to have breakfast. Others who stayed in this campground last night had all left so we could pick any site we wanted–except the one belonging to Mr & Mrs Cardinal. As soon as we started eating, though, he was back attacking us again. Apparently the entire campground belongs to him during the day. So we left it to him. We did stop and fill our water tank on the way out, though, since we may be boondocking the next few nights.

We stopped at the Shark Valley portion of Everglades National Park to visit the area where friends of our workcamped this winter. The friends have moved on but we did see a huge turtle and more of these guys:

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Along side the road are several tourist places that have wooden herons on fence posts. So when I saw a heron in the water I wasn’t sure it was real. Then I realized it was not at a tourist place so it probably was real.

I received an email this morning telling me KFC would be giving away free samples of their new grilled chicken today. That started me craving KFC. So we stopped at one in Florida City for lunch.


Apparently the word was out about the free chicken. The place was mobbed. I was reminded we are in southern Florida by all the conversations around me of which I could not understand a word. It reminded me of being in Amsterdam where I also couldn’t understand the conversations around me. There was one guy speaking English, though. He’d found a pretty young woman on crutches and was giving her all the details of his previous injury. He was not entertaining. The grilled chicken was good but not spectacular.

Then we stopped at WalMart to pick up another prescription and to stock up on groceries.  Then we went across the street to SharpCuts to get haircuts.

We are headed to Key West next and we have been warned not to go there without camping reservations because we will not be allowed to park on the streets and there aren’t many places to camp. In fact we only know of one in Key West but it came highly recommended. So Dave called and made a reservation for tomorrow night.  

For tonight are camped at Long Pine Key in another section of the Everglades. We have no hookups and lousy internet but it is quiet and peaceful so we should sleep well.



Several More Days

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted and lots has happened so this will probably be a long one. When I last left you we were headed to Tampa, Florida, to do chores. That was such an irritating day I didn’t want to write about it but here goes.  

At the Sprinter dealer, “This vehicle is all electronic. It throws a code if anything is wrong. It is so sensitive it throws a code if a taillight is out. There are no codes in your system so there is nothing for us to fix.” In other words we did not really loose our turbo booster going up the ramp to the freeway the other day; we must have both had the same bad dream.

At Best Buy, “Yes you have a coupon for $15 off any purchase but you must buy more than $15 worth of stuff to use it. No we can’t use it on something less than that and keep the difference; the register won’t even read it until the items, before tax, come to $15. No, two packages of paper that come to $14.98 won’t do it. You need to buy something for two cents. No, we don’t have anything that sells for two cents.” So Dave bought a candy bar and two packages of paper instead of the one he went to get and came back to the RV with steam coming from his ears.

At the Apple store, “We can’t recreate your intermittent problem with your keyboard. We can sell you a new keyboard, though. It will cost several hundred dollars and take 4-5 days to get the parts.”  No, thanks.

We didn’t even try to go for the steak dinner because they don’t let you in wearing jeans and Dave was in no mood to dress up and it didn’t feel like there was anything to celebrate today.

So back to camp at Lee’s Travel Park in Largo for another night.

Next day we continued south by crossing a toll bridge. For their purposes we are a car so it costs us only $1. The bridge is so long we lost our cell phone signal in the middle of it. There are rest areas along the bridge with signs saying, “Nighttime Security.” Does that mean you can boondock in those rest areas?  

This bridge replaces on that fell. (What is it with bridges falling anyway?!) The old bridge is now two very long fishing piers reaching way out into the water from both shores. Lots of people fishing. I wonder what they catch?

In Manatee, Florida, we went to the DeSoto National Memorial. They built a sample camp there where interpreters do their thing.  

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We watched them demonstrate several things including shooting a crossbow and and arquebus.  We also saw a kid try on a bunch of armor.  Cool.


If you go there are two things you should know: 1. Don’t take your RV if it is any bigger than ours or at all in prime season; you won’t be able to park. 2. Watch the movie in the visitor center before watching the interpreters so you won’t notice the contradictions.

DeSoto’s exploration was considered a failure because he didn’t find gold nor did he establish any colonies for Spain to claim. Yet he is celebrated every year by a huge parade that is so popular people had put out chairs with some of them tied together to reserve their spaces two days before the parade.

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Apparently lots of Minnesotans hang out here, too, because the Saint Paul Winter Carnival and the Minneapolis Aquatennial between them have seven entries in this year’s parade.

We had lunch at the Hob Nob Drive-in, established in 1957. It was advertised as the “Best Cheeseburger in Paradise.” I like In N Out Burger’s cheeseburgers better but it was fun stopping at a place established when I was ten years old.


Across the street from the Hob Nob was another childhood memory: Little Miss Sunbeam.


In third grade my class toured the Sunbeam Bakery in my hometown of Decatur, Illinois. Each child was given a pencil, a whistle, and an entire loaf of bread.  I was rich!

We camped that night at Oscar Scherer State Park in Osprey, Florida, where there were so many palm branches at our site we had them right up to our windows.

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At the dump in the morning Dave got to teach the fellow behind us how to dump. The guy had never done it before so he was a little nervous. He was pleased that Dave gave him a pair of surgical gloves to wear when his turn came.

We sort of visited Historic Spanish Point in Osprey.


We stopped at the visitor center and watched the video there but we didn’t get to see all the wonderful sights further into the park. No driving allowed back there and two employees were very discouraging about me taking my Segway back there. Apparently there’s a tram tour that left just before we got there but even that only goes within a quarter mile of some of the sights then you walk from there. I sure wish I could walk half as well as I used to do. That’s one of those use it or lose it things for me. If I’d continued walking my whole life I wouldn’t be so out of shape now. You younger folks reading this, please, don’t ever stop walking whenever and wherever you can.

We hoped to camp at Koreshan State Historic Site but it was now weekend so that wasn’t going to happen. Apparently, all Florida state parks fill up EVERY weekend. After all, it’s summer all year here.

So we camped instead at Woodsmoke Camping Resort for two nights. Not cheap but we got laundry done again.

Today we headed on down the Southwest Florida Coast. Dave says, “This section of the Florida Coast  is like a model railroad–you never actually get out of town.” Until you get down by the Everglades, that is.

We had lunch at Susie’s Station in Everglade City. They have REAL Key lime pie. The way you tell it is made from real Key limes is that it makes your lips pucker. Another dish where we discover we prefer the Minnesota version sold at Baker’s Square.

Entering Big Cypress Preserve we saw a sign saying, “Hunters must register in and out.” I suppose that’s so they know if you’ve killed each other instead of the panthers other signs say are in this area.

The visitor center in Big Cypress Preserve presented our first alligators.

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Now we are camped in BCP’s Midway campground. This is the one midway down Hwy 41, a.k.a the Tamiami Trail. With our parks pass it is only $10 for water and electric hookups. I’m hoping there are no alligators in the pond here, though. Nor panthers prowling through tonight. It startled me enough when I saw a dragonfly at the same time I heard what turned out to be a motorcycle. Talk about big mosquitoes!



Two Museums

We finally left the SKP park in Bushnell, Florida, this morning. Ten days in one place is a long time for us and we’re feeling restless. So we decide to stop at two museums on our way south today.

The first one was the Citrus History Museum in Dade City, Florida.


If you look closely you can see the theater marquee to the right of the building. And that’s as close a look as you are going to get. See the fence between us and the museum? It goes all the way around the place and the only gates we found were firmly closed with signs saying “Private Property” on them. We could see some of the displays through the fence. We could see part of the sight-seeing tour tram through the fence.  But we couldn’t see a way to get us on the other side of the fence.

Now, I know what you are thinking. How often have we arrived at a museum outside of the hours it is open? But their website says the tours are Tues-Sat at 10, 12, 2 and 4. Today is Tuesday and it’s a little after 11  Why can’t we go in? We’re in Florida; we want to learn about citrus here. Whine.

So we left Dade City. As we did so a sister RV beeped a hello to us. We were too slow to respond in kind so I posted a message on the owners’ group saying, “Beep, beep.” I hope they get it.

I saw a muffler man. Do you remember the muffler men statues we saw along Route 66? We’re pretty far from that route but we still see an occasional muffler man. This one was at a repair shop so he was holding a wrench.

We stopped at Cracker Barrel for lunch. I really like their roast beef. It was a little early for us to be stopping but we wanted to be fed before arriving at our second musem today. So I have lots of leftovers. And Dave ordered a huge hamburger with huge onion rings so even he has some leftovers today.

I saw a sign from a realty that said, “Drop Dead Gorgeous 3 Bed Pool.” What a thing to do–put three beds in a pool so people will sleep there then tell them to drop dead. They will if they try to sleep underwater.

In Tarpon Springs, Florida, we arrived at our second museum of the day, The Sponge Factory. This place apparently is primarily a store with some displays and a movie about the sponge industry inside it. That’s OK with us. Cracker Barrel is essentially a store with a restaurant inside it but that doesn’t keep us from going there. So we headed for the Sponge Factory’s parking lot. Not so fast there. There was a craft fair in the parking lot and they were charging admittance. OK. Three dollars to park to see what the in-store museum has to offer. Except they want $10 from us because we are driving an RV. More than half the parking lot is empty so we object. They tell us if we spend at least $20 in the sponge store they will refund our parking fee. Well, at least $3 of it. The parking attendant doesn’t think they’ll go the whole $10 for an RV. We now feel ripped off so we leave without seeing the inside of this museum either. There’s more than one type of fence.

So now we are in Largo, Florida, at Lee’s Travel Park. We’ll be here two nights. We won’t be here two days, though. We’ll spend tomorrow in Tampa getting service on our Sprinter and shopping at the Apple Store and Best Buy and maybe having a really good steak dinner at a place one of my blog readers told us about depending on how much time and money we spend at the Dodge dealer. And the next day we’ll be on the road early; check out time here is 10 a.m.

