Day 7 Route 66

Sunday was a do everything day.  Before we even left camp I took this picture.  Is this an Airstream pickup camper?

Then we crossed the bridge into Missouri, turned left, and headed back towards another bridge.  But you can no longer drive across Chain of Rocks Bridge.  This mile long bridge was declared, among other things, too narrow to accommodate today’s cars so it was turned into a pedestrian/bike bridge making it a perfect place to ride my Segway.  We didn’t go even halfway across yet we found lots of interesting things to see along the way.  Here’s some of them.



Then we drove into downtown St Louis to see the Scott Joplin House State Historic Site.  The fellow giving tours there really knew a lot and he could talk all afternoon about the things he knew.  Unfortunately, we couldn’t all listen all afternoon so two by two we slipped away.  But, before we left Dave got to play a little ragtime.


Then we drove the old route 66 route through the city seeing all the things you’d expect to see:  eateries, motels, bowling alleys, etc.  



We were too late for donuts but we ate lunch at Garavelli’s.  The bowling alley brought back memories of bowling with my Dad. He played in a league so I never came close to beating him but he taught me what little I know about bowling.

Finally, we moved into the campground at Edmund Babler Memorial State Park.  We were ready for a rest!

