Today’s View

Winter arrived last night. It rained. It snowed. It got cold.

Dave’s car pool to last night’s model railroad operating session had to use traffic maps to avoid accidents. Fortunately, they did not participate in any.

Our building’s snowplows went right to work on the parking lot. Then plowed again, very noisily, much later than I would have liked.

Today we have this view out our windows:


Merry winter, everyone.




I remember when Minnesotans voted in Jesse Ventura, the wrestler, as governor of our state.

It wasn’t so much that we wanted Jesse as that we wanted something other than the same old same old.

I think that’s what happened yesterday.

I wonder what we’ll actually get this time?



Where are you from?

Anyone who does much traveling hears the question over and over. It can be challenging to answer.

I was born in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

I spent my childhood in Decatur, Illinois.

I graduated from high school in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I met and married my husband in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Army sent us to Alabama and Texas.

We spent three plus years living in RVs traveling the US.

Tell me again, where am I from?



It’s not my fault.

Yesterday I was thinking about personal responsibility.

I wonder if our government mandating so many safety guidelines has made us feel less responsible for our decisions?

I lost faith in the government’s guidelines when I discovered the food pyramid was NEVER based on science. It’s now a proven fact that starchy foods increase diabetes but doctors still insist you must eat “whole grains” every day. In fact, government says one-fourth of every meal should be starchy foods. And they are tasty and cheap so I eat them even though I know science does not support that. So I’m afraid of my next A1c test. If I fail it, can I blame my doctor?

