
People are greatly upset that Russia might have interfered in our last presidential election! How dare they mess with our government?!

Yet, we feel justified in interfering in many other country’s governments. And have as long as I can remember.

The only country that has attacked us since our revolution against Great Britain is Japan. How do we justify going to war in so many other countries?

Yes, there was 9/11. But that was not a country attacking us. That was people unhappy at us interfering in their religion. This from a country that says it believes in freedom of religion.

How can this be right?



7 thoughts on “Interference”

  1. I totally agree.
    it’s like that old saying…
    be careful when you point your finger. you’ll have three pointing back at you.
    we have never been that squeaky clean. and we do interfere in many countries.
    not sure being ‘the great power’ gives us that right… and then to expect others not to try with ours.
    it’s a world wide mess.

  2. At first I was afraid this post was political but glad to see it isn’t. We definitely have been involved in other countries and their politics.

  3. Not sure what the answers are anymore. I have no doubt that we are involved in cyber interfering in other countries but haven’t been found out yet. What a mess.

  4. Yes what a “mess” – I find that the bigger the country, the more clout they believe they have – and I live on a very small landmass, New Zealand (about the size of Colorado state for that reference sizing) – we have certainly had our share of interfering over the decades/centuries…

  5. I don’t have the answer, but I sure do agree with tammy j. I wish we would just worry about getting this country in order!

  6. The argument is we’re the good guys, they’re the bad guys. Yeah, sure. I still remember the TV series Mission Impossible when I was a kid. An elite group carried out highly sensitive missions knowing that their government would deny knowledge of them in case they failed and got into trouble. I thought it was great at the time. And in a lot of police dramas nowadays the “good guys” often officially break the law “for a good cause.” Then they have the nerve to lecture the bad guys.

  7. This is why we need voter ID at the polls! Insist that democrats DEMAND it! No I.D, no vote Vladimir! No more Russian meddling

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