Crystal Falls to Manistique, MI

US Hwy 2 eastbound crosses a corner of Wisconsin as it goes across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. My data doesn’t. The challenge of having each state have it’s own spreadsheet is those corners get left out. Sometimes. Occasionally, I include items from one state in another state’s data if it seems appropriate to do so. But, as I gathered the Michigan data I forgot to go back and include that corner of Wisconsin. Oh, well, it’s not like we are seeing everything everywhere anyway.

What we did see while crossing that corner of Wisconsin was Florence: a thriving small town. Not just surviving but thriving. I wonder why? Though the town was gussied up for it’s upcoming celebration I don’t think that’s the whole story. There were no boarded up storefronts. People were out on the streets and they looked happy. Houses looked well tended. (OK there was one that could use some paint but I only saw one like that in the entire town.) I wonder what their secret to success is?

I saw a shop named “Grease Lightening.” It was a quick lube place.

We had planned to stop at the Iron Mountain Iron Mine in Vulcan, MI. The place advertises guided underground train tours. But, as we got close to it we started seeing big red signs with white lettering saying things like, “Don’t miss it,” “Coming right up,” “An experience you won’t want to miss,” “Rock shop,” “Unique gifts,” and other things that made it feel more and more like a tourist trap. Add that to my upset stomach and the fact that Dave has been down a mine before and we decided to give this place a miss. I wonder if it ever occurs to anyone that their advertising could have negative results?

Outside the town of Norway, MI, I saw a street sign saying, “Swede Slmt Rd.” I wonder how the Swedes felt about the town of Norway? Welcome or not? They apparently choose to establish their own settlement outside of town.

We crossed into the Eastern time zone. How time flies. That whole hour went by as if it never existed at all.

I saw a place advertising “Outdoor Wood Furnaces.” I could hear my Dad saying, “Close the door. What are you trying to do–heat all the outdoors?” Really, where would you use an outdoor furnace?  And why?

We stopped for the night at Indian Lakes State Park just west of Manistique, MI. We parked on the upper level away from the lake since the lower level looked like it might be party heaven. All we heard all night was rain on the roof. I’m not sure today is going to be a good sightseeing day but we will head out shortly anyway.



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