Packing for errands

It has been rainy/stormy most of the time since we moved to Minnesota for the summer. That means we have not been running as many errands as we should. So, when we realized today would be sunny with the temperature mostly in the 60s we decided to head out.

Things to take to the car included:

1. the trash to drop off at the dumpster on our way out of the park

2. a couple bags of clothing to be dropped off at Goodwill

3. the new backup drive that turned out to be defective so needed to be exchanged

4. my Nook to be mailed off to our daughter even though it hasn’t been packed up yet

5. the battery for my scooter, said battery not being safe to leave in a hot car

6. my lumbar pillow which travels back and forth between the car and RV because we’ve not been able to find a suitable replacement yet

7. my beverage since I rarely go anywhere without one

8. my phone which needed to be unplugged from the charger to go with me because our daughter sent me an email this morning saying she wants to chat today so I will call her while Dave exchanges the hard drive

9. my iPad because it has addresses on it I’m going to need while out

10. my chair/cane which goes everywhere that I might need to sit down while waiting for anything including cashiers

11. and my “bag” which carries a lot of stuff including those things most people carry in a pocket or purse

So, off we went. Dumped the garbage, dropped off stuff at Goodwill, stopped for lunch, and exchanged the disk drive. Next stop the Segway shop to sell back to them the Segway they sold me three years ago.

Oops! The bag of Segway accessories, including the keys for it, is still at home in the RV. How did we ever mange to overlook that while packing for the day’s errands?



3 thoughts on “Packing for errands”

  1. Talk about lists … it’s the only way we don’t forget to do things. I’m going to start making lists for Terry. He always forgets to take things when we go places.

  2. I made Jim read this post so he will quit giving me so much grief about the stuff I’m always taking when we head out the door. Thanks Linda.

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