It’s Official!

Today is the start of a new year!


What does that really mean? Are our day to day lives suddenly supposed to be magically different? I grew up in a family of magicians but none of them were able to make our lives magically different just by specifying a day on which it would happen.

If you are unhappy about some part of your life, figure out what change you want to see and what you need to do to make it happen. But, please, don’t make it dependent on a magic day. I know too much about the reality behind magic to buy into that.



3 thoughts on “It’s Official!”

  1. I’ve never been a real celebrator of New Years Eve. And all I can think about is how hard it is to remember to 2012 on everything now. At least I don’t write as many checks as I used to. Have a wonderful 2012 and please stay warm.

  2. I had a friend whose father was a magician. I think it’s hard being the friend of a magician. I also learned that magic isn’t really magic. I also learned that being the friend of a magician is difficult because you have to deal with lots of secrets. I bet you learned that too.

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