
It is sunny and 65° here. A new record high for this date if they make it official. I’m outside. Why are you in here?



ps. I’ve been gaining and losing the same couple of pounds for four weeks now. Still trying to reach the elusive 35 pound total loss. My WW friend, Gloria, had the same problem at this stage. She got past it and so will I.

4 thoughts on “Spring!”

  1. I’m in here because we just got back and had to clean off my SD cards so I could start all over again. It’s gorgeous here today but the storms coming or so they say.

    Keep up the good attitude and you’ll reach your goal. I know you will.

  2. Mid 80s around here today and air conditioners running everywhere. Not me. I’m loving it. But the sun is going down, it’s getting dark and I came inside to catch up on blogs. Does WW have any suggestions about changing up the diet just enough to get you off that plateau? I know it will eventually move again but so frustrating.

  3. I’m on my lunch break from working the VC. I think it will be in the 80’s today. 🙂

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