About war

I don’t mean to be turning this into a political blog and I’m not sure the post this links to is political per se but the author said so well something I think needs saying that I am passing it on: http://exilelifestyle.com/not-our-histories/



4 thoughts on “About war”

  1. I’m on your side there. It’s not political but maybe it is. Either way I don’t think it’s possible to “convince the powerful that it’s not okay to use people as resources” unless, perhaps, it’s their own family out there losing their lives but maybe that wouldn’t matter either.

  2. So very true. But I also know that there will always be conflicts. There always have been and they aren’t going to stop. So I try to make my little world around me as peaceful as possible. Some days I do not even want to hear anymore news. I know that sticking my head in the sand is not the answer but some days that’s all I want to do.

  3. Linda, that was worth a read, thank you for linking it!

    How is it that ‘people’ always seem to get governments that are not worthy of them?

    I fear it’s not just the war aspect in which we are often pawns. We learn to dislike colors and religions and ethnicities even when there is no war going on just because other people dislike them.

    Fortunately, the best cure is simply getting to know other folks; and when you know them you find it harder to believe what others have told you them.

    long process though…. aina’ hey?

  4. thank you for this link. i’ve saved it to my favorites now.
    i didn’t know colin was still writing. i knew he’d moved in with the minimalists and is working with them.
    but so good to know he’s doing his own thing as only he can do it!

    i heard a lady on NPR in the other day in the car.
    she said … everyone is in such an uproar about these “immigrant children.”
    all good christian people of course. she said … but these are NOT immigrants.
    they are not here because of poverty and a need to work here.
    they are CHILDREN. they have run for their lives.
    they are not immigrants at all.
    they are simply refugees.
    just as those in Jordan are. and all the other countries who’ve taken people into their shores who are escaping death and destruction of their lives as they know it.
    the capital letters are her emphasis.
    a reminder that we here in America are very giving. whenever it suits our purposes.
    and if it hinders our way of life in any way… well. it would seem we have no compulsion or remorse in sending back little children to the horrific life they fled from. to send them back to certain torture death and trafficking.

    and here are my own words…
    i don’t know about that kind of christianity. but if that’s what it’s about… count me out.

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