Head ’em up; move ’em out

It’s been a wild and wooly life for me the last couple of weeks. As you all know we’ve been on a search for the fuse to my macerator all the while I was making plans to head to North Carolina. Finally, Paul, from Sportsmobile Texas said he thought I should call Sportsmobile North in Indiana and see if they could work me in on my way southeast because someone is going to have to actually LOOK for that fuse. So I called and they said they were booked for awhile but they could probably work me in if I could come Wednesday. I said sure and hung up the phone. Then realized what that meant.

Dave and I spent the next few days on a roundup. Trying to sort out and corral the things I need to take with me then transfer them to the van and stash them away so I could leave in time to make it to SMB North by Wednesday.

I got most everything I need but it’s still not all put away. But I did make it to my appointment in time.

They removed the driver’s seat hunting for that fuse. When they still couldn’t find it, I think they just started pulling fuses one by one looking for one that was burned out. Found it! It was on the main panel but mislabeled. I was a lot happier than they were. SMB Texas is going to get a decent sized bill for not labeling the fuses correctly but I got off scott free.

So I headed on my way to North Carolina. I set a new record for me. I drove seven straight days without a day off but I made my destination with a half day to spare.

And that destination is…? Structure House, a residential health improvement program where I will check-in tomorrow and save $500 a week by living in my RV in their parking lot instead of in one of their apartments. I am here for some unknown period of time where my food, exercise, mood and other health indicators will be monitored and I will attend classes to learn how to do these things on my own after I leave here in hopes of getting me completely well again.

I have no idea how much, if any, of this experience I will blog about. So, if you don’t hear from me for awhile just assume it’s because I am busy getting well. All right?



8 thoughts on “Head ’em up; move ’em out”

  1. I just want you to know that we are all out here thinking and worrying about you. Keep us posted but only if you can and only if you feel like it. We’re on your side.

  2. Ditto to what Jeri said. You have so many friends that are praying for you to get yourself well.

  3. x2 to what Jeri said. Sure glad they figured out that fuse issue and for free – to you!!

  4. wow, you go, girl! Somhappy for you that you are taking positive steps and putting your health first!
    We are all here to encourage you whenever you feel you need it!

  5. Getting well is more important than blogging, so we’ll be here when you get done. Best wishes on the process. Bodies can be such a pain sometimes — but they’re the only game in town I guess. I’m not ready for a virtual body or anything like that.

    7 days in a row driving is a bunch. Glad you made it without problems. AND super glad you got the fuse sorted. We had company here the other day and blew a circuit breaker that we didn’t even know we had. Took an hour of flipping switches and then came the ‘dawn’ — there are two additional circuit breakers outside the coach on the inverter — in addition to the circuit breaker panel INSIDE the coach. go figure.

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