It’s not my fault.

Yesterday I was thinking about personal responsibility.

I wonder if our government mandating so many safety guidelines has made us feel less responsible for our decisions?

I lost faith in the government’s guidelines when I discovered the food pyramid was NEVER based on science. It’s now a proven fact that starchy foods increase diabetes but doctors still insist you must eat “whole grains” every day. In fact, government says one-fourth of every meal should be starchy foods. And they are tasty and cheap so I eat themĀ even though I know science does not support that. So I’m afraid of my next A1c test. If I fail it, can I blame my doctor?



2 thoughts on “It’s not my fault.”

  1. And, you’ve always trusted the government’s findings on anything? Terry fights with diabetes but he loves starchy food.

  2. EVERYTHING our government mandates as necessary or good for us is guaranteed to have MONEY has its basis for credibility. greed.

    I did some research on my own. there is an amazing study that was done in the UK
    they gave mice with diabetes grapefruit juice. apparently the UNSWEETENED grapefruit juice was as effective as the drug metformin in lowering the A1C.

    I tried it for 6 weeks before seeing the endocrinologist.
    and my latest A1C scores were 6. and the blood was 113.
    both well below the formerly diagnosed for diabetes 2.
    she told me to continue doing whatever it was I was doing! I had also lost 12 pounds!

    do you ever hear of American doctors talking of the grapefruit juice study by the UK?
    of course not! I had to find out about it on my own.

    BIG PHARMA would rather you spend money on their drugs and put up with all the dangerous side effects!
    there is only ONE IMPORTANT thing. very important!
    SOME people taking certain blood pressure drugs CANNOT take the grapefruit juice due to interaction.
    that would be something to be VERY careful of.

    otherwise… it’s WORKING! at least for me it is! thankfully it doesn’t interact with my BP med.

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